
Lenguas / Lingüistica (31091)

  • Amplifying Voices in UX
    Designers can create stronger products by considering multiple users with varied perspectives and thus create balance, termed equilibriUX, in their designs. ...

    126,09 €

  • The Origins of Chinese Literary Hermeneutics
    Martin Svensson Ekström
    Explores how China’s oldest poetry collection was interpreted in a Confucian exegetical text-the Mao Commentary-in the mid-second century BCE. ...

    125,96 €

  • Speak American? Govorite li Američki?
    Aleksandar D Stajković / Kayla S Stajković
    'Speak American? Govorite li Američki?' is a guide to embracing American-Serbian cultural nuances. In today’s global world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries is more than a skill-it is a necessity. 'Speak American? Govorite li Američki?' is a tool for Serbian professionals who are seeking to navigate the American business landscape and for Americ...

    21,93 €

  • Sonetos Em Si
    Lino Porto
    Sonetos simples e chatos,Sonetos meio sem nexo,Até mesmo aqueles castosE uns com jeito de complexo.Sonetos que lembram flatos,Sonetos só sobre sexo,Alguns sobre temas vastos,E os que te põem genuflexo.Poemas vertiginosos,Com seus versos imprestáveisQuase nada aprimorados.Heptassílabos charmosos,Que nos lembram namoradosEm seus ritmos imparáveis... ...

    7,54 €

  • Multilingual Church
    Jonathan Downie
    Your community is multilingual. What about your church?  In a world where communities thrive with diverse languages, why should our churches lag behind? As migration increases and technology, like livestreaming, becomes commonplace, the need for multilingual churches is more pressing than ever. Still, many churches and mission organizations struggle with one-size-fits-all langu...

    13,94 €

  • The Rhetorical Rise and Demise of 'Democracy' in Russian Political Discourse, Volume 3
    David Cratis Williams / Marilyn J. Young / Michael K. Launer
    This volume examines the rhetorical development that occurred over the first two terms of Vladimir Putin’s tenure as president of Russia. During that time Putin abandoned any effort at integration with the West, turning toward Eurasia and promoting a mythical image of Russia as a singular geopolitical entity spanning one thousand years. ...

    203,26 €

  • Спортивный глоссарий
    Ассиа МАРФОУК
    Данное дидактическое пособие по спортивной лексике предназначено для студентов и преподавателей, занимающихся подготовкой в области спорта и физической культуры. Оно содержит основы, необходимые для понимания лексики спорта и особенностей различных дискурсов о спорте (медийных, литературных и т. д.). Это также важный документ для проведения занятий в классе, направленных на раз...

    60,64 €

  • Schreibpraktiken von Universitätsstudenten
    Selmo Alves dos Santos
    Die neuen Formen der Produktion, Materialisierung und Verbreitung von Texten, insbesondere seit dem Aufkommen der Druckkultur um das 18. Jahrhundert, in der mittleren Phase der Industrialisierung, brachten erhebliche Veränderungen in der Schreibpraxis mit sich und machten sie viel komplexer. Infolgedessen veränderte sich auch das Profil der gebildeten Menschen angesichts der ne...

    69,91 €

  • Sports Glossary
    Assia MARFOUQ
    This didactic sports lexicon manual is aimed at students and teachers involved in training in sport and physical activities. It provides the foundations needed to understand the lexicology of sport and the specific features of the different discourses of sport (media, literary, etc.). It is also an indispensable document for proposing classroom activities that work on the three...

    60,44 €

  • Письменная практика студентов университета
    Сель Алвес дос Сантос
    Новые способы производства, материализации и циркуляции текстов, особенно с появлением печатной культуры в XVIII веке, на среднем этапе индустриализации, привели к значительным изменениям в практике письма, сделав ее гораздо более сложной. Как следствие, значительно изменился и профиль грамотных субъектов в связи с новой ролью чтения и письма. В данной работе опыт письма и чтен...

    69,91 €

  • Writing practices of university students
    Selmo Alves dos Santos
    The new ways of producing, materializing and circulating texts, especially since the advent of print culture, around the 18th century, in the middle phase of industrialization, brought significant transformations to writing practices, making them much more complex. As a result, there was also a considerable change in the profile of literate subjects in the face of the new role ...

    69,85 €

  • Pratiques d’écriture des étudiants universitaires
    Selmo Alves dos Santos
    Les nouveaux modes de production, de matérialisation et de circulation des textes, en particulier depuis l’avènement de la culture de l’imprimé vers le XVIIIe siècle, au milieu de la phase d’industrialisation, ont entraîné des transformations significatives des pratiques d’écriture, les rendant beaucoup plus complexes. En conséquence, le profil des personnes alphabétisées s’est...

    69,85 €

  • Pratiche di scrittura degli studenti universitari
    Selmo Alves dos Santos
    I nuovi modi di produrre, materializzare e far circolare i testi, soprattutto a partire dall’avvento della cultura della stampa intorno al XVIII secolo, nella fase centrale dell’industrializzazione, hanno portato trasformazioni significative alle pratiche di scrittura, rendendole molto più complesse. Di conseguenza, si è verificato anche un notevole cambiamento nel profilo dell...

    69,85 €

  • The Hebrew Letters
    Gary Kent Spain
    A study of all Semitic roots used in the Hebrew Bible, their meanings categorized on the basis of light shed on individual letters’ meanings by the reconstructed original Kabbalah, as detailed in World Egg in the Cauldron of Art: The Restored Lost Core of Kabbalah and Its Scientific Implications, by the same author. This previous work, summarized herein, compares what survive...

    15,19 €

  • Factors Influencing Code-Mixing
    Shivani Wadhwa
    In the exploration of multilingual societies, code mixing emerges as a fascinating phenomenon, reflecting the intricate interplay of various factors shaping language practices. 'Factors Influencing Code Mixing' delves into this complex terrain, offering a comprehensive analysis of the diverse influences that contribute to the blending of linguistic elements from different langu...

    97,52 €

  • O Pequeno Simples
    Lino Porto
    Compilação de pequeninos poemas (pequenos somente em relação ao seu tamanho estrófico) recolhidos ao longo de mais de quarenta anos de anotações aleatórias feitas pelo autor. São quadras, tercetos, haicais, dísticos, epigramas e máximas com jeito de mínimas, ora metrificados e rimados, ora livríssimos e soltos. Este livro é dedicado aos homeopatas poéticos que, preguiçosos para...

    7,54 €

  • Accent in North American Film and Television
    Charles Boberg

    35,15 €

  • Sentence Comprehension as a Cognitive Process
    Felix Engelmann / Shravan Vasishth

    38,20 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Phonetics

    76,42 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics

    75,28 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language
    Piotr Stalmaszczyk

    76,02 €

  • Syntactic Change in Late Modern English
    Erik Smitterberg

    38,10 €

  • Naming and Indexicality
    Gregory Bochner

    35,53 €

  • Third Factors in Language Variation and Change
    Elly Van Gelderen

    35,80 €

  • Interfaces and Domains of Contact-Driven Restructuring
    Sandro Sessarego

    36,03 €

  • The Lingua Franca
    Natalie Operstein

    37,39 €

  • Conversation
    Mary Greer Conklin
    The aim and design of conversation is, therefore, pleasure. This agreed, we can determine its elements. Conversation, above all, is dialog, not monolog. It is a partnership, not an individual affair. It is listening as well as talking. Monopolizing tyrants of society who will allow no dog to bark in their presence are not conversationalists; they are lecturers. There are plenty...

    9,06 €

  • Versos Lusos Em Crescendo
    Lino Porto
    Conjunto de poemas em homenagem a quatro grandes poetas portugueses (Cesário Verde, Antonio Nobre, Florbela Espanca e Fernando Pessoa), compostos em crescendo métrico, dos versos monossílabos aos bárbaros, passando por heroicos, alexandrinos, livres, epigramas, haicai e trova, dentre outros tipos fixos de construção poética, até desaguar em pequeninos poemas em prosa. O resulta...

    6,61 €

  • Works like a Charm
    Robert O. McDonald
    Breaks the spell of economic thought by interrogating the widespread language and logic of 'incentives' in public life from a Lacanian perspective. ...

    47,08 €

  • Conversaciones sobre el bilingüismo
    Fabrice Jaumont
    Conversaciones sobre el bilingüismo fue escrito como la continuación de La revolución bilingüe: el futuro de la educación está en dos idiomas y amplía el trabajo de Fabrice Jaumont en el avance del multilingüismo, el empoderamiento de las familias y comunidades multilingües, y el fomento del entendimiento intercultural. Este libro también aboga por la lengua como una habilidad ...

    16,10 €