Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11535)

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  • Narcissism
    Houston Salazar
    How frequently have you been exposed to the sentiment 'Love has the capacity to mend all wounds' or 'Love represents the singular beacon of hope in existence' or akin expressions of that nature?As one observes their surroundings, they witness individuals contentedly immersed in romantic relationships and expressing heartfelt admiration through poetic verses celebrating the mira...

    25,25 €

  • Narcissism
    Clifford Odonnell
    Indeed, love possesses the capacity to mend and work wonders, albeit solely when expressed in a manner that is appropriate and mindful. Under the pretext of love, individuals can exhibit toxic behavior that can detrimentally impact even the most resilient spirits. Hence, the association of love with a narcissist is unfavorable due to its inherent inadequacy. A narcissist lacks ...

    25,30 €

  • Just Enough Light
    James Haas
    No child grows up too quickly. Children who regularly experience trauma are exposed to more than they are capable of processing. As a result, they often present a facade which falsely conveys that they are more secure and mature than they really are. The consequences of such assumptions are potentially harmful to their health, development, and well-being.Just Enough Light is mu...

    18,47 €

  • Next Year You May Die. Mortal Echo
    Roger J. Mansell
    "Next Year You May Die. Mortal Echo: Live Your Life As If Next Year You Are Not Here Because One Day, That Will Be The Truth" is an inspiring journey confronting the reality of death and celebrating the vitality of life. If you’ve ever questioned your purpose, grappled with life’s adversities, or sought to infuse each day with gratitude and positivity, this book is your guiding...

    16,56 €

  • Tremores & Palavras
    Antonio Belmiro
    Diário de um portador de Parkinson mostrando seu dia a dia com a doença. ...

    12,56 €

  • Finding My Rainbow
    Yvonne Junor
    Growing up in Melbourne during the sixties as a baby boomer, Yvonne’s dreams were to find a life partner, build a home, raise a family, start a career and travel.The trajectory her life was changed forever when her husband took his life.Now she faces the challenges of raising their two children alone. This begins a transformative journey of self-empowerment and rediscovering wh...

    18,66 €

  • O Poder Da Autorrealização
    Régis Pereira Da Rocha
    PREPARE-SE PARA A SUA MELHOR VERSÃO!Finalmente o guia definitivo para a sua mudança total.Descubra Como Aumentar a Autoconfiança, Como Melhorar os Relacionamentos, Como Controlar a Ansiedade, Como Emagrecer com Saúde, Como Dormir Melhor, Como Ganhar Mais Dinheiro, Como Resolver Problemas Sexuais, Como Melhorar a Memória, Como Parar de Fumar, Como Controlar as Fobias, Superar Me...

    40,25 €

    Michelle Seguin
    There is nothing more painful a parent can go through than the loss of a child. Unfortunately, Michelle Seguin became a part of this group. Through her open and honest storytelling, Michelle gives the reader a heartfelt insight into the realities of losing a child, the search for acceptance, and how she created a legacy of love that transcends time.In this book, she documents h...

    12,04 €

  • Burning Down the House
    India Prema
    When everything seemingly falls apart, there is good news; it signals an opportunity for growth, rebirth, a rise in consciousness, or a swift kick in the ass if we continue not to listen. Burning Down the House is a book| workbook for those curious about transforming or shifting their lives. The shadow (hidden aspects of ourselves) is the driver of our patterns, conditions, pr...

    18,69 €

  • Lee
    Kenneth Farmer
    In this heartbreaking memoir, the author describes what it was like to lose his older brother and only sibling, Lee, to paranoid schizophrenia. The story begins in childhood, when his brother mentored him and was effectively his de facto Dad in an already dysfunctional family. Eventually, Lee becomes grandiose, delusional, and even violent, forcing the author and his father to ...

    18,27 €

  • Le Cœur Sauvage
    Marguerite Burnat-Provins
    Ce récit, fortement autobiographique, conte la vie d’une jeune Française, Françoise Joran, mariée à un banquier qui n’aime que les chiffres, et sa passion pour un jeune ingénieur, Bruno d’Arvallaz. Derrière ces noms, on reconnaît sans peine Marguerite Burnat-Provins, Adolphe Burnat son mari, et Paul de Kalbermatten, son amant. Leur rencontre passionnelle et passionnée en 1906 v...

    12,12 €

  • Breaking the Blue Wall
    Gilbert Rios
    What do you do when faced with tragedy at work?In Breaking the Blue Wall, author Gilbert Rios offers a candid and deep personal account of the challenges that first responders can face when it comes to mental health. Drawing on his own experiences, including the loss of his good friend to suicide while on duty, Gilbert speaks openly about his journey of overcoming the stigma of...

    7,94 €

  • Strong Bones for Life!
    J.M. Swartz M.D. / Y.L. Wright M.A.
    Osteoporosis is a disease without any symptoms until you suddenly break a bone. If you break a hip, you are quite likely to be dead within a year. Start now to take your bone health seriously! Read this book to educate yourself about osteoporosis and learn how to strengthen your bones for life. Osteoporosis is usually preventable. Osteoporosis prevention is far easier than reve...

    23,77 €

  • Mensajes de amor de las Almas
    Isela Olvera Ocaña
    La autora Isela Olvera Ocaña narra la impresionante historia de cómo empezaron a llegar los Mensajes de amor de las Almas y poco a poco comprendió que debía convertirlos en esta gran obra para poder trasmitirlos a más personas. En cada carta, las almas comparten algo de lo que en su momento no pudieron expresar y dan un poco de paz e inspiración a los corazones que anhelan supe...

    17,89 €

    Carmen Cameron
    This is a deeply inspiring autobiography that uncovers the shockingly Traumatic experiences faced throughout the life of the author. It is a noholds-barred narration of abuse, workplace bullying, sexual harassment, infidelity, depression, domestic violence, and divorce. There is a clear message that such life challenges do not have to definewho you are as a person. As a result,...

    16,85 €

  • The 4-Week Gut Health Protocol for Beginners
    Duncan Pascal
    Are you longing to regain the boundless energy and vitality you once took for granted?For decades, our understanding of gut health has lagged behind other medical advancements. But today, that is changing at an unprecedented pace! Dedicated researchers have uncovered the profound connection between gut health and the numerous common ailments that millions of us struggle with ev...

    18,96 €

  • Recovering Out Loud
    Kristy Henderson
    Firebird Book Awards Winner First Place - Addiction & Recovery, April 2024. In her powerful debut book, Kristy Henderson recounts the experience of living two parallel lives: an average, normal life on the exterior, and the secret life she kept in the shadows, battling with a forceful addiction to alcohol few people could see.Recovering Out Loud is a turbulent memoir about the ...

    14,98 €

  • Paths I Have Walked
    Jo Ann Fuson Staples
    Despite what Jo Ann Fuson Staples might tell you, she is no ordinary woman. She has led a remarkable life, full of adventure, love, hardship, and survival. Raised in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky, she comes from a long line of strong mountain folk, those ready to take on adversity and fight for anyone they love, no matter the odds. At only seven, Jo Ann tragically lost...

    45,79 €

  • Tangled in the Curves
    Caroline Bell
    Receiving a diagnosis of scoliosis - a condition where the spine bends and rotates for no known reason - can be an emotional time full of questions and concerns. You might feel like you have to navigate it all by yourself. But, know this: you are not alone.Tangled in the Curves is an honest firsthand account of real life with idiopathic scoliosis that fully captures the scolios...

    32,17 €

  • Tangled in the Curves
    Caroline Bell
    Receiving a diagnosis of scoliosis - a condition where the spine bends and rotates for no known reason - can be an emotional time full of questions and concerns. You might feel like you have to navigate it all by yourself. But, know this: you are not alone.Tangled in the Curves is an honest firsthand account of real life with idiopathic scoliosis that fully captures the scolios...

    40,60 €

  • Reflexiones en el centro de rehabilitación, en el hospital psiquiátrico y en la soledad de la casa
    Juan Pablo López Geovo
    Este libro es el producto de un proceso de crecimiento y trascendencia personal. En él, Juan Pablo López Geovo, a partir de sus experiencias de reclusión en hospitales mentales y centros de rehabilitación, donde adquirió la compasión y el respeto por el ser humano que sufre, nos entrega una serie de reflexiones estructuradas de tal modo que puedan servir a cualquier persona par...

    5,51 €

    Thomas Fairfoot
    This book is a collection of essays on overcoming addiction, trauma, anxiety or depression and moving to a more successful life. Based on essays at the blog quantummeetsspirit.com. The author’s previous title on the same subject was 'Gladiators of light'.Quantum science and spirit are seen as opposites, but with closer inspection actually say the same thing which impacts our ...

    22,54 €

    Barbara L. Byer
    At 31, Benjamin Byer was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) that portended nothing but certain death within two to four years. Grief descended on his family, leaving an emptiness that could not be filled or excised, only reshaped and absorbed. As Ben sought new meaning for what remained of his life, his mother, Barbara, reconstructed hers with courage, humor, anger, and ...

    17,45 €

    Hoodwinked, Bamboozled, And Led Astray is a nonfiction book about the unimaginable life of Dexter Sanders. He experienced extreme highs and some of the deepest lows in his life as reflected in this powerful story. He encountered spiritual struggles as he tried to sort out what God expected of him in a world where others seemed to only 'practice' religious rituals but were not t...

    19,91 €

  • Renounce Relapse Repeat
    Conor F Richardson
    A Poetic Journey Down the Dark Road of Alcohol Addiction and Recovery. Includes 'Sobering Thoughts' Insights to Assist in Your Recovery ...

    10,75 €

  • Despertando A Cura Interior
    Doraci Almeida Belém
    Descubra o poder da cura interior e embarque em uma jornada de felicidade, amor e perdão. Despertando a cura interior é um caminho transformador, revelando os segredos para encontrar a verdadeira plenitude.Com uma abordagem leve e cativante, este livro explora a conexão entre espiritualidade, bem-estar emocional e autodescoberta. Explore práticas terapêuticas, aprenda a alinhar...

    11,07 €

  • From Wounds to Wholeness
    Itayemi / Kemi Itayemi
    Childhood traumas have a sneaky way of creeping into our adulthood. We don’t always recognize how our early life experiences shape our future, but their impact cannot be ignored. If you find that your attitude and choices in life have you feeling worthless, isolated, or imprisoned, these are red flags that you need to take time to love yourself more! You are valuable and your d...

    32,17 €

  • One in Six
    Russell Stagg
    Tens of millions of men are survivors of child sexual abuse. Studies by the CDC, NSPCC, and others show males experience sexual abuse at almost the same rate as females, and have mainly female perpetrators (principally mothers).Licensed psychotherapist Russell Stagg explains that most survivors struggle with post-traumatic stress or PTSD (particularly complex PTSD), even if the...

    18,21 €

  • Moving beyond the Rainbow Bridge
    Julieta L. Smith
    Dogs are God’s special creations. Our dogs work their way into our hearts, and before we realize it, they become our family members, loyal companions, best friends, and fur babies. They enrich our lives with love, laughter, lessons, joy, comfort, and peace. Yet, when we are faced with coping with the loss of a dog, we find that they have left an unexpected and unimaginable hole...

    18,19 €

  • Catastrophic Grief, Trauma, and Resilience in Child Concentration Camp Survivors
    Cora Smith / Gillian Eagle / Tracey Rori Farber
    Nine child concentration camp survivors were interviewed in their old age, evidencing enduring effects related to their traumatic experiences. All participants retained vivid recollections of internment and experienced catastrophic grief in relation to loss of parents and siblings. While resilience was evident, negotiation of life meaning was shaped by Holocaust-related memorie...

    214,68 €