Medicina clínica e interna

Medicina / Medicina clínica e interna (9779)

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  • Teste de ceratometria com ferramenta objetiva
    Ana María Sánchez Rod. / Ricardo Bernárdez Vil / Sofía Bernárdez Sánchez
    Qualquer invenção necessita da mais ampla divulgação possível para que se conheçam as suas características e a utilidade proposta. Se se trata de um dispositivo para aprender a exploração da face anterior do olho, concretamente o raio e a orientação dos seus eixos principais, estamos a dirigir a patente a um grupo especializado, estudantes de optometria e oftalmologia de todo o...

    54,90 €

  • Test di cheratometria con strumento oggettivo
    Ana María Sánchez Rod. / Ricardo Bernárdez Vil / Sofía Bernárdez Sánchez
    Ogni invenzione necessita della più ampia diffusione possibile per conoscerne le caratteristiche e l’utilità proposta. Se si tratta di un dispositivo per l’apprendimento dell’esplorazione della faccia anteriore dell’occhio, in particolare del raggio e dell’orientamento dei suoi assi principali, rivolgiamo il brevetto a un gruppo specializzato, studenti di optometria e oftalmolo...

    54,90 €

  • COVID-19 and pathologies Cardiovascular
    HOURIA BRAHIMI / Nabila Soufi-Taleb Bendiab
    COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV2, has resulted in considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. Indeed, this pandemic resulted in numerous cardiovascular complications, which had a very negative impact on vital prognosis. Moreover, underlying cardiovascular disease was commonly present in patients hospitalized with COVID-19, and was associated with a higher risk of severe illnes...

    82,91 €

  • COVID-19 e patologie Cardiovascolare
    HOURIA BRAHIMI / Nabila Soufi-Taleb Bendiab
    La COVID-19, causata dal SARS-CoV2, ha provocato una notevole morbilità e mortalità in tutto il mondo. Infatti, questa pandemia ha portato a numerose complicazioni cardiovascolari che hanno avuto un impatto molto negativo sulla prognosi vitale. Inoltre, una malattia cardiovascolare sottostante era comunemente presente nei pazienti ricoverati con COVID-19 ed era associata a un r...

    82,91 €

  • COVID-19 e patologias Cardiovasculares
    HOURIA BRAHIMI / Nabila Soufi-Taleb Bendiab
    A COVID-19, causada pelo SARS-CoV2, provocou uma morbilidade e uma mortalidade consideráveis em todo o mundo. De facto, esta pandemia conduziu a numerosas complicações cardiovasculares que tiveram um impacto muito negativo no prognóstico vital. Além disso, as doenças cardiovasculares subjacentes estavam frequentemente presentes nos doentes hospitalizados com COVID-19 e estavam ...

    82,91 €

  • COVID-19 и патологии Сердечно-сосудистая система
    КОВИД-19, вызванный SARS-CoV2, привел к значительной заболеваемости и смертности во всем мире. Фактически эта пандемия привела к многочисленным сердечно-сосудистым осложнениям, которые крайне негативно отразились на жизненном прогнозе. Кроме того, у пациентов, госпитализированных с COVID-19, часто встречались сопутствующие сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, которые ассоциировалис...

    34,70 €

  • COVID-19 und Pathologien Herz-Kreislauf
    HOURIA BRAHIMI / Nabila Soufi-Taleb Bendiab
    Die durch SARS-CoV2 verursachte COVID-19 hat weltweit zu einer erheblichen Morbidität und Mortalität geführt. Die Pandemie führte zu zahlreichen kardiovaskulären Komplikationen, die sich sehr negativ auf die Lebensprognose auswirkten. Außerdem waren die zugrunde liegenden Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen bei Patienten, die mit COVID-19 ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurden, häufig vor...

    82,98 €

  • Influenza Virus
    Alexander Huan Liu / George Fu Gao
    This book will guide readers through the history of the flu. In ten chapters, it explains Influenza in a simple way. Influenza always seems to have endless topics. The flu virus, seemingly tiny, has brought on one disaster after another to human beings. 2018 is the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the '1918 Flu' that swept the world. The flu, a century ago, claimed nearly o...

    107,74 €

  • Bioterapia e affaticamento nell’artrite reumatoide
    Aicha Ben Tekaya
    L’artrite reumatoide è una malattia cronica e invalidante che colpisce tra lo 0,33% e l’1% della popolazione mondiale. Il 90% dei pazienti affetti da RA lamenta affaticamento.Diversi studi hanno dimostrato che questo sintomo è invalidante almeno quanto il dolore. La fatica può essere presente indipendentemente dall’intensità dell’artrite reumatoide e si manifesta in pazienti di...

    83,97 €

  • Bioterapia e fadiga na artrite reumatoide
    Aicha Ben Tekaya
    A artrite reumatoide é uma doença crónica e incapacitante que afecta entre 0,33% e 1% da população mundial. Noventa por cento dos doentes com AR queixam-se de fadiga.Vários estudos demonstraram que este sintoma é pelo menos tão incapacitante como a dor. A fadiga pode estar presente independentemente da intensidade da artrite reumatoide e ocorre em doentes de todas as idades. A ...

    83,97 €

  • Biotherapie und Fatigue bei rheumatoider Arthritis
    Aicha Ben Tekaya
    Rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) ist eine behindernde chronische Erkrankung, von der schätzungsweise 0,33 bis 1 % der Weltbevölkerung betroffen sind. Neunzig Prozent der RA-Patienten klagen über Müdigkeit.Mehrere Studien haben gezeigt, dass dies ein Symptom ist, das mindestens genauso behindernd ist wie die Schmerzen. Müdigkeit kann unabhängig von der Intensität der rheumatoiden Arth...

    84,03 €

  • Биотерапия и утомляемость при ревматоидном артрите
    Айча Бен Текая
    Ревматоидный артрит - хроническое, инвалидизирующее заболевание, которым страдает от 0,33% до 1% населения Земли. Девяносто процентов больных РА жалуются на усталость.В ряде исследований было показано, что этот симптом по меньшей мере так же инвалидизирует, как и боль. Усталость может присутствовать независимо от выраженности ревматоидного артрита и встречается у пациентов любо...

    26,61 €

  • Biotherapy and fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis
    Aicha Ben Tekaya
    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, disabling disease that affects between 0.33 and 1% of the world’s population. Ninety percent of RA patients complain of fatigue.Several studies have shown that this symptom is at least as disabling as pain. Fatigue can be present regardless of the intensity of rheumatoid arthritis, and occurs in patients of all ages. Fatigue often leads to wea...

    83,97 €

  • Effets de deux méthodes de formation
    Leonardo de Jesus Souza Amorim
    Selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), l’obésité est l’un des plus grands problèmes de santé publique de la planète. On prévoit que d’ici 2025, il y aura environ 2,3 milliards d’adultes en surpoids et 700 millions d’obèses. L’OMS a sensibilisé ses pays membres à la nécessité de modifier les modes de vie sédentaires et d’améliorer les habitudes alimentaires afin de pré...

    54,90 €

  • Влияние двух методов обучения
    де Жезус Соуза Аморим
    По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), ожирение является одной из самых серьезных проблем здравоохранения на планете. По прогнозам, к 2025 г. в мире будет насчитываться около 2,3 млрд. взрослых с избыточной массой тела и 700 млн. страдающих ожирением. ВОЗ обращает внимание стран-членов на необходимость изменения малоподвижного образа жизни и улучшения пищевых пр...

    26,17 €

  • Effetti di due metodi di allenamento
    Leonardo de Jesus Souza Amorim
    Secondo l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), l’obesità è uno dei maggiori problemi di salute pubblica del pianeta: si prevede che entro il 2025 ci saranno circa 2,3 miliardi di adulti in sovrappeso e 700 milioni di obesi. L’OMS ha sensibilizzato i Paesi membri sulla necessità di modificare gli stili di vita sedentari e migliorare le abitudini alimentari per prevenire s...

    54,90 €

  • Auswirkungen von zwei Schulungsmethoden
    Leonardo de Jesus Souza Amorim
    Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ist Fettleibigkeit eines der größten Gesundheitsprobleme der Welt. 2025 wird es voraussichtlich rund 2,3 Milliarden übergewichtige und 700 Millionen fettleibige Erwachsene geben. Die WHO hat ihre Mitgliedsländer für die Notwendigkeit sensibilisiert, den sitzenden Lebensstil zu ändern und die Ernährungsgewohnheiten zu verbessern...

    54,90 €

  • Effects of two training methods
    Leonardo de Jesus Souza Amorim
    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), obesity is one of the biggest public health problems on the planet. It is projected that by 2025 there will be around 2.3 billion overweight adults and 700 million obese ones. The WHO has been sensitising its member countries to the need to change sedentary lifestyles and improve eating habits in order to prevent overweight and ...

    54,90 €

  • Parkinson’s Disease Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Parkinson’s Disease Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide" is a compassionate and comprehensive resource that unveils the complexities of living with Parkinson’s disease. This book offers a deep exploration of the condition, beginning with a clear understanding of what Parkinson’s disease is and how it impacts individuals and their loved ones. You’ll discover insights into diagno...

    9,83 €

  • Суицид и суицидальные идеи
    Жозилейде А. Безерра / К. Батиста / Сандра Мар Кончеикао
    СЛОВО ЧИТАТЕЛЮ! Уважаемый читатель, добро пожаловать! Мы познакомимся с темой, которая так часто встречается в жизни каждого медицинского работника, но до сих пор остается малоизученной: суицид и суицидальные мысли. Мы поговорим о том, как появилась такая область, как суицид и суицидальные мысли, насколько она важна в жизни и для профессиональной деятельности, и как нам следует...

    26,35 €

  • Suicide et idées suicidaires
    Edna Lúcia C. Batista / Josileide A. Bezerra / Sandra Maria da Penha Conceição
    MOT AU LECTEUR ! Cher lecteur, bienvenue ! Nous allons aborder un sujet très présent dans la vie de tout professionnel de la santé, mais encore peu exploré : le suicide et les idées suicidaires. Nous verrons comment est né ce domaine du suicide et des idées suicidaires, quelle est son importance dans la vie et dans l’activité professionnelle, et comment nous devons agir lorsque...

    55,10 €

  • Suicidio e idee suicide
    Edna Lúcia C. Batista / Josileide A. Bezerra / Sandra Maria da Penha Conceição
    PAROLA AL LETTORE! Caro lettore, benvenuto! Stiamo per approfondire un tema così presente nella vita di ogni professionista della salute, ma ancora poco esplorato: il suicidio e l’ideazione suicidaria. Parleremo di come è nato questo campo del suicidio e dell’ideazione suicida, di quanto sia importante nella vita e per l’attività professionale e di come dobbiamo agire di fronte...

    55,04 €

  • Selbstmord und Selbstmordgedanken
    Edna Lúcia C. Batista / Josileide A. Bezerra / Sandra Maria da Penha Conceição
    EIN WORT AN DIE LESER! Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, herzlich willkommen! Wir werden uns mit einem Thema befassen, das im Leben eines jeden Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe sehr präsent ist, das aber noch wenig erforscht ist: Suizid und Suizidgedanken. Wir werden erörtern, wie dieser Bereich des Selbstmords und der Selbstmordgedanken entstanden ist, wie wichtig er im Leben und ...

    55,10 €

  • Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
    Edna Lúcia C. Batista / Josileide A. Bezerra / Sandra Maria da Penha Conceição
    WORD TO THE READER! Dear reader, welcome! We’re going to learn about a topic that is so present in the life of every health professional, but which is still little explored: suicide and suicidal ideation. We’ll discuss how this field of suicide and suicidal ideation came to be, how important it is in life and for professional activity, and how we should act when faced with this...

    55,04 €

  • Kidney Stones Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    In "Kidney Stones Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide," you’ll embark on a transformative journey through the intricate world of kidney stones. This meticulously crafted guide, authored by medical experts, demystifies kidney stones, offering invaluable insights for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Dive deep into the world of kidney stones, understanding their ...

    14,70 €

  • Stroke Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Stroke Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide" takes you on a comprehensive journey through the intricate world of strokes. This expert-authored guide demystifies strokes, offering invaluable insights for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike. Explore the fundamentals of strokes, including their causes, types, and the profound impact they have on the body and br...

    11,74 €

  • Round the Twist
    Lisa Febre
    'Round The Twist is a memoir about being incredibly alive and deeply loved. Lisa Febre’s journey through the best and worst of what modern medicine has to offer is crackling with detail, intensity, and wit. A balm for the soul, a love story in disguise.' -Strings MagazineIn 2021, as the covid pandemic stretched into its second year, a different kind of disease was brewing insid...

    28,59 €

  • Epilepsy Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    In "Epilepsy Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide," embark on a journey through the intricate landscape of epilepsy, a neurological condition that affects millions worldwide. This comprehensive guide begins by unraveling the mysteries of epilepsy in Chapter 1, exploring its causes, recognizing symptoms, differentiating seizure types, and delving into the diagnostic process. Disco...

    11,78 €

  • Acidity Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Unlock the secrets of acidity with ’Acidity Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide.’ Chapter 1 delves into the fundamentals, unraveling the mysteries of acidity, including its causes, symptoms, and various types. Dive into the mechanisms behind acidity and its impact on your well-being.In Chapter 2, discover a holistic approach to preventing acidity through dietary modifications, ...

    18,78 €

  • Alzheimer’s Disease Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    "Dive into the intricate world of Alzheimer’s disease with ’Alzheimer’s Disease Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide.’ Chapter 1 lays the foundation, offering a profound understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, including its causes, risk factors, and the recognition of its often subtle symptoms. Explore the stages of Alzheimer’s, and gain insight into its profound impact on patients...

    11,80 €