Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11535)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Beyond the Zoom
    George Augustus Stallings
    Is there life beyond the grave? Is there a hereafter? Will man and woman live forever? Where does the spirit or soul go after a person dies? Is there such a place as Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory? Can we communicate with the dead? Will we see and know our loved ones after we have died? One of the most troubling questions is where will the spirit of evil or bad people go?' All of t...

    18,18 €

  • By Accident
    Joanne Greene
    Small in stature, large in presence, and always in charge, Joanne Greene did it all-anchored the news and hosted talk shows on San Francisco radio, maintained a wonderful marriage, and raised children—until a traumatic accident shattered her world and forced her to learn how to let go. ...

    15,83 €

  • Alice’s Journey
    Deborah Hassett
    In the enchanting pages of Alice’s Journey, young readers embark on a tender and insightful adventure through the world of emotions. Written with compassion and sensitivity, this beautifully illustrated story gently guides children, aged 6 and upwards, as they navigate the difficult terrain of loss and grief. In this tale, children learn the vital lesson that it’s alright to vi...

    9,01 €

  • Narcissism
    Domenic Mcneil
    If your spouse appears to know everything, do you still feel confused about your reality? Are you having trouble getting over a relationship that was emotionally abusive? If so, continue reading.Gaslighting is one of the most ubiquitous kinds of manipulation, and although if we don’t always notice it, it happens often in our daily lives. This book discusses gaslighting and expl...

    24,08 €

  • Narcissism
    Markus Keller
    The anxiety that you are failing someone is the basis of the codependent loop. Fear that your performance is inadequate. Fear that you won’t be able to perform your best in the relationship or leave the individual. Instead of making a choice based on honesty and confidence in oneself, you base it on this fear.I can’t promise you that this book will be the 'ultimate cure' for ga...

    22,77 €

  • Narcissism
    Zackary Jensen
    Gaslighters have a knack of changing the truth in order to suit their own purposes. They are willing to go to great measures to achieve their goals, often leaving the victim permanently scarred. However, this book will show you how to use tactics in your daily life to avoid being manipulated by such people.Have you been in a relationship with the guy you believed was the man of...

    21,52 €

  • Running Rebel and Mad Dog
    Isobella Jade
    Isobella Jade details her emotional journey through sudden loss and the objects found in her father’s car after he unexpectedly died in a fire at his home. Jade’s bittersweet tale is at once a meditation on loss and making sense of grief through heirlooms and of turning a tragic event into one of life’s richest experiences. A tattered wallet, a Giants hat, a pocket knife, a jac...

    12,01 €

  • This House Smells Like Farts
    Megan Jones
    Megan’s husband woke her the morning of November 4th. For the last time.She hears Wally’s gasp for air when he grabs her arm. Then he stops breathing. With basic instruction from the 911 operator, Megan wrestles her husband to the floor and begins chest compressions. The ambulance will be there soon. Surely paramedics can accomplish what she cannot.'Mommy?' comes a tiny voice ...

    17,69 €

  • Emotional and Social Intelligence
    Finnegan Knight
    13 Magnetic Personality Traits to Go From a Wallflower to an Absolute Star - Learn How to Become Friendlier, More Charming, and Intensely MagneticBeing yourself around people you want to impress can be challenging. You might feel like you have to put on a show or change who you are.We all know someone who just has a special way with people. They make friends easily, always know...

    28,66 €

  • Emotional and Social Intelligence
    Finnegan Knight
    13 Magnetic Personality Traits to Go From a Wallflower to an Absolute Star - Learn How to Become Friendlier, More Charming, and Intensely MagneticBeing yourself around people you want to impress can be challenging. You might feel like you have to put on a show or change who you are.We all know someone who just has a special way with people. They make friends easily, always know...

    35,77 €

  • Près du rouge-gorge
    Marguerite Burnat-Provins
    Du printemps à l’automne, Marguerite Burnat-Provins fait là une halte bienfaisante et se délecte du calme de sa maison, de son jardin et de ses petits occupants, oiseaux et insectes. Elle leur parle comme aux fleurs et aux arbres et même au crapaud aux yeux de topaze. Cette méditation apaisante et gourmande est présentée comme un long poème en prose, une invitation au rêve et à...

    11,32 €

  • Love and Lupus
    Ken Conklin
    Shortly after marrying Ken, her best friend and soulmate in February of 1975, Katy Conklin, at thirty-five, learned that she had SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), an incurable autoimmune disease that can attack any part of the body. For Katy, lupus initially affected her joints often causing pain and fatigue. Later, this insidious disease progressed to her lungs and circulato...

    44,73 €

    The War in The Heaven by Jamaican author Gem C. Collie examines the psychologicaleffects of generational victimization in contemporary times. The book exposes perpetualinherited mistreatment due to the constant battle one goes through to fight for individualityagainst collectivism, social norms, and culture. Through vivid descriptions and powerfulstorytelling, the author takes ...

    36,23 €

  • How To Survive Your Child’s Addiction
    Patty Stanek Fallone
    Parenting a child with substance abuse issues is daunting. Patty Fallone knows this firsthand from witnessing her own son’s battle with addiction and seeing the toll it took on her entire family. She has also learned that when parents work their own program of recovery, their lives can return to a state of peace, no longer waiting for the next shoe to drop, where they can find ...

    19,04 €

  • The Sober Philosopher Workbook for Exploring Addiction and Creating Recovery
    Peg O’Connor
    Many of us find ourselves living in ways making the question 'Do I have a problem with alcohol or other drugs,' unavoidable. No one can answer this question for another; each of us must answer for our own self. The questions in this workbook will invite new insights, which may challenge our own certain or even dogmatic views of ourselves. If we believe ourselves to be broken be...

    7,78 €

  • Breath of Life
    Nick Terry TNT
    Born into a turbulent and dysfunctional family-and surrounded by adults who were regularly using marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and crystal meth-Nick Terry TNT bounced around the Pacific Northwest throughout the 1980s, going to 13 different schools before being expelled in 10th grade. By his teens, Nick had entered a life of addiction and crime and was desperate to escape ...

    19,06 €

  • Breath of Life
    Nick Terry TNT
    Born into a turbulent and dysfunctional family-and surrounded by adults who were regularly using marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and crystal meth-Nick Terry TNT bounced around the Pacific Northwest throughout the 1980s, going to 13 different schools before being expelled in 10th grade. By his teens, Nick had entered a life of addiction and crime and was desperate to escape ...

    13,50 €

  • Strong Moms
    Do people call you strong?Strong mothers come from all walks of life and often are buried beneath a mountain of the ordinary. Giving up one’s first baby for the child’s future benefit, adopting a child with challenges, adjusting to a new normal of a young adult struggling with addictions, grieving the death of a child...these are just some of the stories contained within these ...

    7,97 €

  • You Make Your Path by Walking
    Suzanne Anderson
    When her beloved husband took his life, and with it her life as she knew it, Suzanne Anderson faced a choice: would she be broken down and defeated, or broken open and transformed? Part memoir, part guidebook, You Make Your Path by Walking accompanies readers on their own journeys through the barren landscape of trauma and grief, offering comfort, guidance, and inspiration to m...

    14,15 €

  • A Mourning Heart
    Pamela Lawson
    'Grief is a love that once was and will always be.'A grieving heart can feel lost and alone with no hope in sight, but the poems throughout this book will let you know you are not alone. The raw emotions you are feeling are real, and it’s ok to grieve in your own way. Grief is a process and it is different for each of us. Pamela expresses her pain through her poetry to help con...

    14,48 €

  • Momma You Don’t Heal
    June Kraholik Collins
    Congratulations Momma? You are part of a club no one ever asks to be in and part of a group of women who are treated like they have the plague. Yes, you are a Momma of an angel, a child that left way too soon. The day your child left this world was the day your life stopped making sense.Momma, You Don’t Heal, was written for struggling women dealing with child loss. June discus...

    15,40 €

  • Superação
    Richard Melo
    Após vivenciar atos horrendos, percebo o significado da palavra perdão, foi quando realmente me senti realizado. [] Essa é a vida que me foi designada. Ao longo de uma jornada pelo qual perdura por décadas, Richard desenhou uma vida perfeita, ao passar do tempo percebeu a dura realidade negligenciando os seus sentimentos preferindo esconder suas emoções Agora, Richard fala pela...

    13,34 €

  • Droga & Depêndencia
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    Droga & Dependênciaé um livro informativo e esclarecedor, que oferece uma visão completa sobre o tema das drogas e da adicção. Nesta obra, o autor, explora de forma objetiva e imparcial as diferentes drogas, seus efeitos e as complexidades associadas ao uso e abuso delas.Com uma abordagem baseada em pesquisas científicas atualizadas, o autor fornece informações precisas sobre o...

    8,20 €

  • Dicotomia & Hólon
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    o autor generalista explora as dualidades presentes em diferentes áreas do conhecimento, como filosofia, psicologia, ciência, espiritualidade e sociedade. Ele examina como essas dicotomias aparentes podem ser vistas como partes interconectadas de um todo maior, formando hólons - unidades que são simultaneamente partes e totalidades em si mesmas.Ao longo do livro, o autor oferec...

    8,81 €

  • Understanding Suicide
    C. P. Kumar
    "Understanding Suicide: Prevention, Awareness, and Moving Forward" is a comprehensive and insightful book that delves into the complex and sensitive topic of suicide. Through its thoughtfully structured chapters, the book explores various aspects of suicide, including its definition, prevalence, and the crucial link between mental health and suicide. It guides readers through i...

    10,61 €

  • Nurse Florence®, What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
    Michael Dow
    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children’s health literacy level as wel...

    31,08 €

  • Grief’s Deception
    Debbie Jordan
    Grief’s Deception is a personal memoir of the author’s journey through the death of her young son. She explains the twelve  common lies grief  tells in hopes to assist other with their bereavement.  ...

    15,67 €

  • Transformação
    Elso Luiz Nicolao
    AmigoAmigo sente aqui quero lhes falar de um assunto que vais gostar, neste mundo em que vivemos a globalização já tomou conta e você tem que estudar, se você não se esforçar outro toma seu lugar.Por isso, não fique aí parado, vá em frente, tente se dedicar, seja um soldado diferente, põe a mochila nos ombros e vamos caminhar, olha quanta gente perdendo o emprego por não estuda...

    11,36 €

  • A Vida Continua
    Euclides Colombo
    Euclides Colombo apresenta um verdadeiro guia para superação dos momentos mais difíceis da sua vida: o luto.Você compreenderá:As reações normais e típicas do luto.Como compreender e lidar com as perdas.A dor pela perda de um filho.Como encontrar forças para continuar a vida.O processo de cura.Luto e depressão: quando procurar ajuda profissional.Outras perdas além da morte.Como ...

    9,69 €

  • I Would, but My DAMN MIND Won’t Let Me!
    Jacqui Letran
    Are you tired of the constant battles within your mind?Does fear and self-doubt rob you of your happiness?It’s time to break free from the cycle of self-doubt and worry, and finally find peace of mind!And it’s easier than you think.Introducing, I would, but MY DAMN MIND won’t let me: A Simple Guide to Help You Understand and Manage Your Complex Thoughts and Feelings, written by...

    30,56 €