

Markus Keller

22,77 €
IVA incluido
Allen Jervey
Año de edición:
Familia y relaciones
22,77 €
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The anxiety that you are failing someone is the basis of the codependent loop. Fear that your performance is inadequate. Fear that you won’t be able to perform your best in the relationship or leave the individual. Instead of making a choice based on honesty and confidence in oneself, you base it on this fear.I can’t promise you that this book will be the 'ultimate cure' for gaslighting, but I can promise you that if you carefully adhere to the advice given here, healing will be made easier, you will feel much better, and you won’t ever allow gaslighters to manipulate you. interactions include much more than the typical boyfriend and girlfriend types of casual interactions that are used nowadays. It is also a connection that is intended to be healthy while you are still living with one or both of your parents. It is possible for a father or mother to expose their kid or children to narcissistic attitudes, just as a woman may be subjected to the terrible attitude of a narcissist husband.

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