Probabilidad y estadística

Matemáticas y ciencia / Matemáticas / Probabilidad y estadística (2101)

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  • Statistica
    Simone Malacrida
    In questo libro sono presentati tutti gli argomenti matematici legati alla statistica:calcolo combinatorioprobabilità e statistica elementarevariabili aleatoriedistribuzioni di probabilità continue e discreteteoria della stima e verifica di ipotesiregressione e inferenza bayesianaprocessi stocastici ...

    5,84 €

  • Complete Data Analysis Using R
    Marco Lehmann
    This book gets you up and running with using R in your research project, focusing on data analysis.  ...

    209,46 €

  • Complete Data Analysis Using R
    Marco Lehmann
    This book gets you up and running with using R in your research project, focusing on data analysis.  ...

    70,64 €

  • Vorhersage des Kokosnussangebots auf der Colombo-Kokosnuss-Auktion
    D. A. B. N. Amarasekara / D. G. C. Diluk / S. A. Pavani Thisara Kethimini
    Frische Kokosnüsse werden auf der von der Coconut Development Authority durchgeführten Colombo-Kokosnuss-Auktion zum Verkauf angeboten. Die vorliegende Studie wurde mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, das Zeitreihenmuster der angebotenen Kokosnussmenge zu ermitteln und das am besten geeignete Modell für die kurz- und langfristige Vorhersage der Colombo-Kokosnussauktion auszuwählen. Die ...

    47,07 €

  • Prévision de l’offre de noix de coco à la vente aux enchères de Colombo Coconut
    D. A. B. N. Amarasekara / D. G. C. Diluk / S. A. Pavani Thisara Kethimini
    Les noix de coco fraîches sont mises en vente dans la vente aux enchères de noix de coco de Colombo qui est menée par l’autorité de développement de noix de coco. La présente étude a été réalisée dans le but d’identifier le modèle de série chronologique de la quantité de noix de coco offerte et de sélectionner le modèle le mieux adapté pour la prévision à court et à long terme ...

    47,07 €

  • Previsione dell’offerta di cocco all’asta di Colombo
    D. A. B. N. Amarasekara / D. G. C. Diluk / S. A. Pavani Thisara Kethimini
    Le noci di cocco fresche vengono messe in vendita all’asta del cocco di Colombo, condotta dalla Coconut Development Authority. Il presente studio è stato condotto con l’obiettivo di identificare l’andamento delle serie temporali della quantità di noci di cocco offerte e di selezionare il modello più adatto per le previsioni a breve e a lungo termine nell’asta delle noci di cocc...

    47,07 €

  • Previsão da Oferta de Coco no Leilão de Coco de Colombo
    D. A. B. N. Amarasekara / D. G. C. Diluk / S. A. Pavani Thisara Kethimini
    Os cocos frescos são postos à venda no leilão de cocos em Colombo, que é conduzido pela Coconut Development Authority. O presente estudo foi realizado com os objectivos de identificar o padrão de série temporal da quantidade de coco oferecida e seleccionar o modelo mais adequado para a previsão a curto e longo prazo no leilão de coco de Colombo. Os métodos de análise de séries ...

    47,07 €

  • Прогнозирование предложения кокосовых орехов на кокосовом аукционе Коломбо
    Д. A. Б. Н. Амарасекара / Д. Г. Дилюк / С. А. П Этара Кетимини
    Свежие кокосы выставляются на продажу на кокосовом аукционе в Коломбо, который проводится Управлением по развитию кокосовых орехов. Настоящее исследование было проведено с целью выявления временного ряда количества предлагаемых кокосов и выбора наиболее подходящей модели для краткосрочного и долгосрочного прогнозирования на кокосовом аукционе Коломбо. Методы анализа временных р...

    26,17 €

  • Modern Time Series Forecasting with Python
    Manu Joseph
    Build real-world time series forecasting systems which scale to millions of time series by applying modern machine learning and deep learning conceptsKey FeaturesExplore industry-tested machine learning techniques used to forecast millions of time seriesGet started with the revolutionary paradigm of global forecasting modelsGet to grips with new concepts by applying them to rea...

    75,39 €

    Virgilio Amaris
    Nach dem Besuch eines Kurses über Intelligente Systeme an der Nationalen Universität von Kolumbien und positiv motiviert durch neue KI-Technologien, neuronale Netze, Genetik, unter anderem, war ich fasziniert von den Symmetrien der 'tic tac toe oder drei in einer Reihe' Spiel, versuchen, in der Einfachheit des Spiels zu finden, etwas, das es zu dem, was in dem Kurs gesehen wurd...

    59,08 €

    Virgilio Amaris
    Après avoir suivi un cours sur les systèmes intelligents à l’Université nationale de Colombie, et positivement motivé par les nouvelles technologies de l’IA, les réseaux neuronaux, la génétique, entre autres, j’ai été intrigué par les symétries du jeu 'tic tac toe ou trois à la suite', en essayant de trouver dans la simplicité du jeu, quelque chose qui le relie à ce qui a été v...

    59,08 €

    Virgilio Amaris
    Dopo aver frequentato un corso sui sistemi intelligenti presso l’Università Nazionale della Colombia, e positivamente motivato dalle nuove tecnologie di IA, reti neurali, genetica, tra gli altri, sono stato incuriosito dalle simmetrie del gioco 'tic tac toe o tre di fila', cercando di trovare nella semplicità del gioco, qualcosa che lo collegasse a ciò che è stato visto nel cor...

    59,08 €

    Virgilio Amaris
    Depois de frequentar um curso sobre Sistemas Inteligentes na Universidade Nacional da Colômbia, e positivamente motivado pelas novas tecnologias de IA, redes neurais, genética, entre outras, fiquei intrigado com as simetrias do jogo 'tic tac toe ou três em linha', tentando encontrar na simplicidade do jogo, algo que o ligava ao que foi visto no curso, encontrei-o inicialmente e...

    59,08 €

    Виргилио Амарис
    После посещения курса по интеллектуальным системам в Национальном университете Колумбии и положительной мотивации от новых технологий ИИ, нейронных сетей, генетики, среди прочего, я был заинтригован симметриями игры 'Крестики-нолики или три в ряд', пытаясь найти в простоте игры что-то, что связывает ее с тем, что было увидено на курсе, я нашел это изначально и очевидно, что ест...

    26,42 €

  • Основы статистики с помощью SPSS Часть I
    Ушан Пейрис
    Обычно студенты и начинающие исследователи собирают хорошие данные, но сообщают неверные выводы, потому что часто выбирают неподходящие статистические тесты для анализа своих данных. Цель данной работы - помочь читателям избежать подобных ошибок при использовании статистических тестов для ассоциаций. Эта книга шаг за шагом проведет читателей через процесс выбора статистических ...

    25,43 €

  • Estatísticas básicas com SPSS Parte I
    Ushan Peiris
    É comum que estudantes e investigadores em primeira mão recolham bons dados, mas denunciam os resultados incorrectos porque seleccionam frequentemente os testes estatísticos inadequados para analisar os seus dados. Este esforço visa ajudar os leitores a evitar cometer tais erros quando utilizam testes estatísticos para associações. Este livro guia os leitores através do process...

    69,78 €

  • Statistiche di base con SPSS Parte I
    Ushan Peiris
    È frequente che studenti e ricercatori di primo pelo raccolgano buoni dati ma riportino risultati errati perché scelgono spesso test statistici inappropriati per analizzare i loro dati. Questo lavoro si propone di aiutare i lettori a evitare di commettere tali errori nell’uso dei test statistici per le associazioni. Questo libro guida i lettori attraverso il processo di selezio...

    69,78 €

  • Grundlegende Statistik mit SPSS Teil I
    Ushan Peiris
    Es kommt häufig vor, dass Studenten und Forscher aus erster Hand zwar gute Daten erheben, aber falsche Ergebnisse melden, weil sie häufig die ungeeigneten statistischen Tests zur Analyse ihrer Daten auswählen. Dieses Buch soll den Lesern helfen, solche Fehler zu vermeiden, wenn sie statistische Tests für Assoziationen verwenden. Dieses Buch führt die Leser Schritt für Schritt d...

    69,85 €

  • Trends in Recapitulation of Inventory Systems
    The term Inventory Control is used to cover very different functions and is related only in that it requires the maintenance of good inventory records and both receipts and issues by these functions. This is interpreted as accounting and business management. Inventory accounting deals with the proper recording of the receipt and consumption of materials and the flow of goods fr...

    52,29 €

    Virgilio Amaris
    After attending a course on Intelligent Systems at the National University of Colombia, and positively motivated by new AI technologies, neural networks, genetics, among others, I was intrigued by the symmetries of the 'tic tac toe or three in a row' game, trying to find in the simplicity of the game, something that linked it to what was seen in the course, I found it initially...

    59,08 €

  • Operation Research Linear Programming Problems
    Nalini Vaidya
    This book is a composed material which aids the students to rewrite the formulation and graphical representation of the each problem which will in turn enable them to understand the concept and background of linear programming problems by analyzing the problems critically. Adequate examples from the latest question papers of various engineering examinations have been added to e...

    81,85 €

  • Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition
    Frederick Jelinek

    59,77 €

  • Information Theory
    James V Stone
    Originally developed by Claude Shannon in the 1940s, information theory laid the foundations for the digital revolution, and is now an essential tool in telecommunications, genetics, linguistics, brain sciences, and deep space communication. In this richly illustrated book, accessible examples are used to introduce information theory in terms of everyday games like ’20 question...

    88,71 €

  • Coffee
    Harry C. Graham
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    33,70 €

  • A Text Book on the Method of Least Squares
    Mansfield Merriman
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    23,07 €

  • Der Selbstmord als Sociale Massenerscheinung der Modernen Civilisation
    Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    25,27 €

  • Der Selbstmord als Sociale Massenerscheinung der Modernen Civilisation
    Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    36,60 €

  • Statistical Abstract of the United States; Volume 30
    United States. Bureau / United States. Bureau of the Census / United States. Dept. Of The Treasury....
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    28,95 €

  • Calcul des Probabilités
    Poincaré Henri
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    37,39 €

  • The Dictionary of Statistics
    Michael George Mulhall
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    46,16 €