
Medicina (69809)

  • Food as Medicine
    Todd Caldecott
    The concept of ’food as medicine’ is rooted in our most ancient of traditions, including Greek, Indian and Chinese medicine. If we consider the anthropological evidence it is very likely that our hunter-gatherer ancestors learned about medicinal herbs by observing wild animals deliberately eating certain plants in their diet as a way to treat different health issues. For all ...

    20,30 €

  • Handbook of Research on Personal Autonomy Technologies and Disability Informatics
    Javier Pereira
    Information technologies constitute a very important contribution to the integration of a population into its environment. Unfortunately, in most cases the development of new technologies does not consider the special needs of potentially disabled users. The Handbook of Research on Personal Autonomy Technologies and Disability Informatics proposes a comprehensive description of...

    347,74 €

  • Ubiquitous Cardiology
    Piotr Augustyniak / Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
    The Internet and other technological developments are now playing increasing roles in consumer health and the delivery of health services. Ubiquitous Cardiology: Emerging Wireless Telemedical Applications provides developmental solutions and explanations for cardiovascular diagnostics. Useful to field researchers, academicians, and healthcare practitioners, this Premier Referen...

    217,00 €

  • Data Mining and Medical Knowledge Management
    The healthcare industry produces a constant flow of data, creating a need for deep analysis of databases through data mining tools and techniques resulting in expanded medical research, diagnosis, and treatment. Data Mining and Medical Knowledge Management: Cases and Applications presents case studies on applications of various modern data mining methods in several important ar...

    295,51 €

  • Technology Due Diligence
    Stephen J. Andriole / Stephen JAndriole
    Due diligence conducted around technology decisions is complex. Done correctly, it has the power to enable outstanding positive outcomes; done poorly, it can wreak havoc on organizations, corporate cultures, and markets. Technology Due Diligence: Best Practices for Chief Information Officers, Venture Capitalists, and Technology Vendors develops a due diligence framework for any...

    216,98 €

  • Five Survivors, a Hundred Lives
    Kaija Anttonen
    Five Survivors, a Hundred Lives is a book that will help us understand trauma and dissociation: that is, the way mistreatment in childhood can have an impact on one’s life and personality structure. The book brings a new level to a collective awareness that is being created. With this new awareness, trauma-related mental health problems can be met in an appropriate and healing ...

    57,02 €

  • Dark Hearts
    Loren E Pedersen
    A fresh and intriguing perspective on men's behavior, attitudes, and psychological difficulties by tracing the development of masculinity within the context of concept of the anima, C. G. Jung's term for a man's inner nature. Drawing on evolution, anthropology, and mythology, Dr. Pedersen shows how this mysterious 'other' part of man's nature influences his psyc...

    13,78 €

  • Therapeutic Hypnosis Demystified
    Have you always wondered what hypnotherapy is all about? Are you thinking of learning hypnosis yourself? Are you intrigued by what hypnosis really is and where it comes from? Or are you the one plain sceptic that does not want to hear all about this Mumbo Jumbo?  In ”Therapeutic Hypnosis Demystified” you will not only discover what hypnosis is all about but also learn how it ca...

    27,47 €

  • 36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares
    Joe Correa
    36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares: Mantenga Su Cuerpo Saludable Y Fuerte Mediante Una Dieta Apropiada y Hábitos Nutricionales Inteligentes Por Joe Correa CSN   La vesícula biliar es un saco pequeño justo debajo del hígado. Almacena, concentra y secreta la bilis, que es esencial para digerir alimentos grasos. La bilis también ayuda a absorber vitaminas sol...

    20,54 €

  • 54 Rezepte gegen Diabetes, die dir helfen, deine Beschwerden auf natürliche Art zu kontrollieren
    Joe Correa
    54 Rezepte gegen Diabetes, die dir helfen, deine Beschwerden auf natürliche Art zu kontrollieren: Gesunde Ernährungsmöglichkeiten für alle Diabetiker Von Joe Correa CSN   Diabetes wird verursacht durch eine Dysfunktion der Bauchspeicheldrüse, die kein Insulin mehr produziert. Typ 1 Diabetes wird als Autoimmunerkrankung klassifiziert. Darunter versteht man einen Zustand, bei ...

    20,47 €

  • 41 Ricette per la prevenzione dell'Alzheimer
    Joe Correa
    41 Ricette per la prevenzione dell’Alzheimer: riduci il rischio di sviluppare l’Alzheimer in modo naturale! Di Joe Correa CSN   La malattia di Alzheimer è una malattia devastante del cervello. L’Alzheimer inizia come una semplice dimenticanza. Gradualmente, nel tempo, la malattia può distruggere la capacità di linguaggio e la comprensione, oltre a causare irrequietezza e sba...

    20,57 €

  • 55 Recettes de Repas pour aider à réduire la Douleur et l'Inconfort de l'Arthrite
    Joe Correa
    55 Recettes de Repas pour aider à réduire la Douleur et l'Inconfort: Remèdes de repas naturels pour l'arthrite qui fonctionnent vraiment Par Joe Correa CSN   Il y a 100 millions de formes d'arthrite et la plus courante est l'arthrose, à la suite d'un traumatisme, une infection de l'articulation ou l'âge. Afin de prévenir l'arthrite ou de rédui...

    20,69 €

  • Different From The Other Kids
    Angela Tsounis
    Don't Give Up! I want to talk about what no one else wants to talk about: Children who struggle with mental health Parents of mentally ill children live in a parallel universe where overcoming obstacles needs to be second nature. Sadly, parents of these challenging children have little to no support, from either the healthcare system or a society bent on blame. Through th...

    22,06 €

  • Venerating the Root
    Sabine Wilms
    This book is a literal translation of the second half of Volume 5 from the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang 備急千金要方 on pediatrics, composed by Sun Simiao 孫思邈 in the seventh century. It includes the following features: 26 pages of introductory matter and 544 pages of main text. A critical edition of the Chinese text with the literal English translation on opposing pages. Five main s...

    87,41 €

  • The Sanctuary of Illness
    Thomas Larson
    We all know someone who has suffered a heart attack. But, howoften do we learn the intimate, potentially life-saving details thataccompany coronary disease?In The Sanctuary of Illness, Thomas Larson (The Memoir and theMemoirist; The Saddest Music Ever Written) gives a powerful andpersonal inside tour of what happens when our arteries fail. Hechronicles the three heart attacks i...

    12,16 €

  • The Cancer Path
    Paulette Kouffman Sherman
    The Cancer Path is a memoir/self-help book about a woman who views cancer as spiritual path. Dr. Sherman describes it as her 'Eat, Pray, Love' of cancer experience. As a psychologist, mother, wife and breast cancer survivor, Dr. Sherman viewed cancer as a zen stick that promoted self-care, healing and greater wholeness. It was a springboard to examine her body, mind, emoti...

    13,81 €

  • Cannabis
    Elizabeth Ashley
    The discovery of a previously unknown endocrine system in the 1990s was to change the face of human biology for ever. Science finally had answers as to why tumours grow, hormones attack the body and some people’s pain levels are off the scale. The ramifications of manipulating such a system were vast, illnesses like epilepsy, autism and cancer could become a thing of the past.I...

    78,12 €

  • 50 Recetas De Comidas Para Impulsar Su Producción De Leche Materna
    Joe Correa
    50 Recetas De Comidas Para Impulsar Su Producción De Leche Materna: Brinde A Su Cuerpo Las Comidas Apropiadas Para Ayudarla a Generar Leche Materna De Alta Calidad RápidoPor Joe Correa CSN Una nutrición apropiada es el componente fundamental al establecer una buena lactancia. Los alimentos lactogénicos, también llamados galactogogos, facilitan la producción de leche al incremen...

    20,69 €

  • A Modern Day Saint - Father Gabriel Mejia
    Scott Werner
    A Claretian priest in Colombia, Father Gabriel Mejia, has developed a rehabilitation process for addicted and abused youth that uses love consciousness and meditation as a basis of therapy. The Claret Homes, or Hogares Claret in Spanish, are safe-havens for youth who have been living on the streets. The many homes of Father Mejia’s foundation have experienced a 98% success rate...

    21,92 €

  • Berry Antioxidants in Health and Disease
    Dorothy Klimis-Zacas
    During the last decade, a high volume of work has been published on the health-promoting effects of berries (e.g., blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, etc.) that are rich in antioxidant phytochemicals, polyphenols. Consuming a diet rich in polyphenols has been documented to attenuate the risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, diabetes mel...

    51,74 €

  • 33 Ricette Contro Il Cancro Alla Prostata Che Ti Aiuteranno a Combattere Il Cancro, Ad Aumentare La Tua Energia, e Sentirti Meglio
    Joe Correa
    33 Ricette contro il cancro alla prostata che ti aiuteranno a combattere il cancro, ad aumentare la tua energia, e sentirti meglio: la soluzione più semplice ai problemi che ti dà il cancro Di Joe Correa CSN   Il cancro, in generale, è una malattia ben nota che attacca molti organi e altre parti del corpo, in qualche modo aumenta la crescita anormale delle cellule che causan...

    20,21 €

  • 38 Ricette Per Prevenire La Calvizie
    Joe Correa
    38 Ricette per prevenire la calvizie: iniziare a mangiare alimenti ricchi di vitamine e minerali per evitare di perdere i capelli di Joe Correa CSN La perdita dei capelli e la calvizie colpiscono milioni di uomini e donne ogni anno. Una delle cause più comuni della perdita dei capelli, sia per uomini che per donne, è la malnutrizione. I sintomi fisici della calvizie possono e...

    20,44 €

  • 46 Rezepte um Zahnlöchern vorzubeugen
    Joe Correa
    46 Rezepte um Zahnlöchern vorzubeugen: Stärke deine Zähne und die Gesundheit im Zahnraum durch nährstoffreiche Lebensmittel Von Joe Correa CSN Wir putzen unsere Zähne zwei Mal am Tag, wir benutzen täglich Zahnseide, wir verwenden Mundspülung. Aber was ist mit unserem Essen? Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass das Geheimnis für gesunde Zähne im Kühlschrak liegt! Um also Kavität ...

    20,52 €

  • 55 Rezepte, um Schmerzen und Beschwerden von Arthritis zu lindern
    Joe Correa
    55 Rezepte, um Schmerzen und Beschwerden von Arthritis zu lindern: Natürliche Heilmittel gegen Arthritis, die wirklich funktionieren Von Joe Correa CSN   Es gibt mehr als 100 Millionen Formen von Arthritis, wobei die am meisten verbreitete Form die Osteoarthritis ist – das Ergebnis einer offenen Wunde, Infektion oder hohen Alters. Um Arthritis vorzubeugen oder seine Auswirku...

    20,68 €

  • Examining the Role of Environmental Change on Emerging Infectious Diseases and Pandemics
    Maha Bouzid
    Climate change is one of the most widely debated and worrisome topics of our time. As environmental changes become more prevalent, there has been evidence to suggest that there is a correlation between the environment and a substantial increase of infectious diseases and viruses around the globe. Examining the Role of Environmental Change on Emerging Infectious Diseases and Pan...

    262,43 €

  • Transformative Healthcare Practice through Patient Engagement
    Guendalina Graffigna
    Recent literature suggests that patient participation and engagement may be the ideal solution to the efficacy of healthcare treatments, from a clinical and pragmatic view. Despite the growing discussions on the necessity of patient engagement, there is no set of universally endorsed, concrete guidelines or practices. Transformative Healthcare Practice through Patient Engagemen...

    282,25 €

  • To Air is Human
    Joseph Weiss
    To ‘Air' is Human, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Intestinal Gas is a uniquely informative, entertaining, and well-illustrated volume. Extensive knowledge about the physiology and science of the digestive process and intestinal gas is clearly explained. It covers everything you ever wanted to know about the fart, burp, and bloat but were too embarrassed to ask. In...

    25,22 €

  • Trauernde Eltern
    Nathalie Himmelrich
    Das Buch zeigt auf, welche Auswirkungen die elterliche Trauer auf die Partnerschaft hat. Es geht darum, wie das Paar den Verlust überlebt und wieder aus der Trauer in ein Leben auftaucht, dass Freude und Melancholie, Lachen und Tränen, Glück und Traurigkeit verbindet. Nicht entweder - oder, sonder sowohl - als auch. Es geht darum, aus dieser verrückten Reise durch die Dunkelhei...

    21,24 €

  • Utilitarianism
    John Stuart MILL
    In John Stuart Mill's classic restatement of the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, he continued a philosophical perspective that continues to be appolied to this day. The 'principle of utility', otherwise known as 'the greatest happiness principle' has surfaced over and over again throughout history since then, and has often been the basis for important publ...

    11,07 €

  • Microscopic Colitis
    Wayne Persky
    Many gastroenterologists refer to microscopic colitis as a nuisance disease with a benign course. Some doctors seem to confuse it with IBS and they try to treat it as though it were IBS. For many patients though, the disease proves to be debilitating and life-altering, and the treatment options offered by one's doctor may not provide effective relief. Because there is a lot...

    21,62 €