
Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Judaísmo (4395)

Libros Eliminar filtro Humanidades Eliminar filtro Religión y creencias Eliminar filtro Judaísmo Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Journey of the Soul
    Kerry M. Olitzky / Kerry MOlitzky / Leonard S. Kravitz / Leonard SKravitz
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at www.rowmanlittlefield.com. ...

    137,56 €

  • Jewish Identity in Modern Times
    Walter Homolka
    There is no doubt about Baeck's contribution to Jewish theology in the twentieth century: it has been significant. Without ever departing completely from the ancient wellsprings of orthodoxy, he was a studious observer of the intellectual currents of his time and ambience; under theinfluence of liberal Jewish theology, he drew on and reworked those currents, weaving them in...

    184,66 €

  • Learn Talmud
    Adin Steinsaltz / Judith Z. Abrams / Judith ZAbrams
    Judith Abrams, author of the highly acclaimed The Talmud for Beginners, Volumes I & II, creates yet another way of making Talmud study easy and accessible for the novice. Rabbi Abrams has chosen to work with the Steinsaltz Edition of the Talmud, edited and with commentary by Adin Steinsaltz, one of the greatest Jewish thinkers of the twentieth century. This volume is a must for...

    46,39 €

  • Under This Blazing Light
    Amos Oz / N. R. M. de Lange / Nicholas de Lange / NRMde Lange

    86,27 €

  • Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters
    Robert Haralick / Robert M. Haralick / Robert MHaralick
    This book-length meditation on the Hebrew alphabet offers profound insights into many important ideas found in Jewish thought. ...

    128,54 €

  • Preserving Jewishness in Your Family
    Alan Silverstein
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at www.rowmanlittlefield.com. ...

    65,34 €

  • Holy Days
    Lis Harris

    15,52 €

  • Seeking the Path to Life
    Ira Stone
    Short, carefully crafted, gentle meditations take us on explorations of the most basic human struggles. For people who never thought they would read a book of theology-let alone understand it, enjoy it, savor it and have it affect their lives. ...

    13,32 €

  • Hebrewspeak
    Joseph Lowin
    Hebrewspeak is both educational and entertaining-a revised, enhanced, and jam-packed collection of Joseph Lowin’s 'About Hebrew' columns, featured monthly in Hadassah magazine. Rabbis, speakers, teachers, historians, and anyone who enjoys playing with the mystical words that make up the Hebrew language will find Hebrewspeak a valuable addition to his or her library. ...

    101,48 €

  • Frumspeak
    Chaim M. Weiser / Chaim MWeiser
    Frumspeak examines the unique linguistic habits of Orthodox, native-born Americans. This book seeks to draw comparisons with parallel phenomena of Jewish linguistic creation including Yiddish and Ladino and reaches into the linguistic consciousness of the American Orthodox community to reveal how that community thinks, communicates, and educates. ...

    67,26 €

  • A Student’s Obligation
    Kalonymus Kalman Shapira / Kalonymus Shapira / Micha Odenheimer
    The last hasidic rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto explores many facets of spiritual growth and character development. ...

    76,44 €

  • The Passover Seder
    Ruth Fredman Cernea
    Through a detailed anthropological and symbolic analysis, Cernea shows why the Seder continues to be a fundamental part of the process by which Jewich society creates and defines itself. ...

    87,73 €

  • Readings on Conversion to Judaism
    Lawrence J. Epstein / Lawrence JEpstein
    In his third book about the conversion to Judaism, Lawrence J. Epstein collects essays and memoirs that frame the debate around conversion. These essays cover a wide-range of topics to sharpen the focus around the many disputes about conversion to Judaism, such as appropriate motivations, requirements for conversion, and who may legitimately conduct a conversion. Readings on Co...

    76,64 €

  • The Book of Jewish Customs
    Harvey Lutske
    The Book of Jewish Customs is a charming often funny, always informative volume, rich with history and filled with ideas. Harvey Lutske has combed the literature, from the Bible and the Talmud through contemporary sources, to discover the meaning and reasons behind common Jewish folkways that we often are familiar with but whose origins we may not know. ...

    88,32 €

  • Chosen Tales
    Peninnah Schram
    The storytellers represented in Chosen Tales are among the most active and talented Jewish storytellers in the world. This extraordinary collection of 68 stories is, in a way, a Jewish storytelling festival, where storytellers gather to share stories, hear each other’s stories, and get to know each other better through the stories that are told. Come and experience the magic of...

    157,20 €

  • Circle in the Square
    Elliot R Wolfson / Elliot R. Wolfson
    This book deals with the issue of gender in Jewish mysticism showing the thematic correlation of eroticism and esotericism that is central to the kabbalah. ...

    43,25 €

  • The Stones Will Cry Out
    Douglas K. Huneke / Douglas KHuneke

    121,74 €

  • Kabbalah the Harmony of Opposites
    W. J. Coleville / W. J. Colville / WJColeville / WJColville
    ''The Kabbalah: The Harmony of Opposites'' by W.J. Coleville is a comprehensive guide to the mystical Jewish tradition of Kabbalah. The book explores the concept of opposites and how they are harmonized in Kabbalistic teachings. It delves into the history and origins of Kabbalah, explaining its fundamental principles and offering insights into its practices and rituals. The aut...

    29,99 €

  • Between Silence and Speech
    Nathan T. Lopes Cardozo / Nathan TLopes Cardozo
    In this volume, Nathan T. Lopes Cardozo, highly regarded author and lecturer, examines some of the most controversial topics in Jewish thought and law. Join Rabbi Lopes Cardozo on this journey of discovery as he makes a critical assessment of the Jewish belief system and discovers that the issues he once doubted are really the most profound expressions of Judaic wisdom. ...

    76,43 €

  • Christian Antisemitism
    William Nicholls
    In Christian Antisemitism: A History of Hate, Professor William Nicholls, a former minister in the Anglican Church and the founder of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia, presents his stunning research, stating that Christian teaching is primarily responsible for antisemitism. ...

    76,72 €

  • Souls and Secrets
    Joseph Patai / Joszef Patai
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at www.rowmanlittlefield.com. ...

    129,38 €

  • A Time for Building, Volume 3
    Gerald Sorin / TBD
    Volume III: A Time for Building. The years between 1880 and 1920 marked the third great migration of Jews tothe U.S.--including more than two million from the Russian empire, Austria-Hungary, and Rumania. A Time for Building describes the experiences of Jews who stayed in the large cities of the Northeast and Midwest as well as those who moved to smaller towns in the deep South...

    35,21 €

  • A Time for Searching
    Henry L. Feingold

    40,30 €

  • A Time for Healing
    Edward S. Shapiro
    Volume V: A Time for Healing. A Time for Healing chronicles a time of rapid economic and social progress. Yet this phenomenal success, explains Edward S. Shapiro, came at a cost. Shapiro takes seriously the potential threat to Jewish culture posed by assimilation and intermarriage-asking if the Jewish people, having already endured so much, will survive America’s freedom and af...

    35,18 €

  • The Veneration of Divine Justice
    A. Rosenbergroy / ARosenbergroy / Roy A. Rosenberg / Roy ARosenberg
    The first book to set in clear focus the messianism of the Dead Sea sect alongside the messianism of the New Testament. ...

    95,91 €

  • The Election of Israel
    David Novak / Novak David

    124,11 €

  • To Heal the Soul
    Kalonymus Kalman Shapira / Yehoshua Starret
    Within the vast and varied body of chasidic literature, rarely does one find a chasidic rebbe writing about himself. Those rebbes who did choose to put pen to paper tended to write expositions on biblical or rabbinical texts, and in many cases it was their students and followers who copied down their teachings. Thus the modern reader is left with works that tend to be impersona...

    101,50 €

  • Judaism
    Hans Keung / Hans Kng / Hans Kung

    172,71 €

  • A Passion for Truth
    Abraham Joshua Heschel
    The last work of a beloved leader. Abraham Joshua Heschel sets Soren Kierkegaard, Christian existentialist philosopher, and Hasidic masters Menahem Mendl and the Baal Shem Tov in conversation about despair, hope and God. Deep yet lively and accessible. ...

    15,90 €

  • A Passion for Truth
    Abraham Joshua Heschel
    The last work of a beloved leader. Abraham Joshua Heschel sets Soren Kierkegaard, Christian existentialist philosopher, and Hasidic masters Menahem Mendl and the Baal Shem Tov in conversation about despair, hope and God. Deep yet lively and accessible. ...

    28,38 €