
Humanidades / Historia (618453)

  • Geschichte von Kuba
    Jorge Pablo Marcel Cepero / Nolazco Eligio Martínez Leiva / Segundo Felino Sánchez Espinosa
    Die methodische Strategie befasst sich mit der Frage, wie man mit einem interdisziplinären Ansatz zur Entwicklung des Lehr-Lern-Prozesses für das Fach Geschichte Kubas in der sechsten Klasse beitragen kann. Der Gegenstand dieser Forschung ist die Entwicklung des Lehr-Lern-Prozesses des Faches Geschichte Kubas in der sechsten Klasse und das Forschungsfeld ist die Interdisziplina...

    96,02 €

  • Storia e storiografia dell’interazione tra Asia centrale e meridionale
    Elena Rudenko
    La storia dell’interazione tra Asia centrale e meridionale è antica quanto l’evoluzione delle loro civiltà. La storia dell’interazione tra i popoli dell’Asia centrale e meridionale è antica quanto la storia dell’evoluzione delle loro civiltà. Iniziati nell’antichità, i contatti reciproci e multiformi sono proseguiti durante l’esistenza degli Stati e delle formazioni statali, su...

    58,35 €

  • History and Historiography of Central and South Asian Interaction
    Elena Rudenko
    The history of interaction between Central and South Asia is as old as the evolution of their civilisations. The history of interaction between the peoples of Central and South Asia is as old as the history of the evolution of their civilisations. Having started in ancient times, mutual multifaceted contacts continued throughout the existence of states and state formations, cro...

    58,36 €

  • Cartas familiares y oficiales del Sabio de América
    José Cecilio del Valle
    'Al sabio que se anticipó a su época y reveló los grandes destinos de Centro América. Al insigne estadista, autor del acta de nuestra Independencia; al hombre de principios que hizo del saber un elemento de gobierno y cuyas obras honran a la América Central'. (Rafael Heliodoro Valle).Este libro permite descubrir el lado más humano, sensible, familiar y cariñoso del Sabio. Las c...

    9,72 €

  • Cartas familiares y oficiales del Sabio de América
    José Cecilio del Valle
    'Al sabio que se anticipó a su época y reveló los grandes destinos de Centro América. Al insigne estadista, autor del acta de nuestra Independencia; al hombre de principios que hizo del saber un elemento de gobierno y cuyas obras honran a la América Central'. (Rafael Heliodoro Valle).Este libro permite descubrir el lado más humano, sensible, familiar y cariñoso del Sabio. Las c...

    16,79 €

  • Three Holy Kings
    Gabby Kool / Gaby Kool
    During Christmas of 2023 whilst we were celebrating Epiphany, it struck me that these three Kings were Middle Eastern and Asian Kings. The results of my research were indeed, Casper and according to Blessed Ann Catherine Emmerich his real name is Seir from Kerala, India and Melchoir real name is Mensor from Chaldean, Persia, and Balthasar real name is Theokeno is from Naimans, ...

    11,85 €

  • Bradwell
    Seth Evans
    This is an enlarged facsimile of the classic book on Bradwell published in 1912. For the local historian or genealogist - it is a mine of information, and for the casual reader, there is much of interest. Contents: ancient barrows, the Romans: Barham Gate and Brough Castle, the foresters, clearances, Hazlebadge Hall, miners rebellion, religious movements, Bradwell schools, the ...

    17,10 €

  • 'El Camino delDespertar
    Juan Martínez
    'El Camino del Despertar: La Vida y Enseñanzas de Buda' es una obra que invita al lector a sumergirse en la vida fascinante y las profundas enseñanzas del Buda histórico, Siddhartha Gautama. A través de una narrativa cautivadora, el libro explora los momentos clave de la vida de Buda, desde su nacimiento noble hasta su búsqueda de la iluminación y su eventual enseñanza del cami...

    22,12 €

  • From Jesus to Justinian
    Chris Ainsworth
    This book challenges what we have always been taught about what the first Christians believed and how their church was organised, it reassess the role and importance of the main players in the early church movement and throws light on the how a persecuted church was miraculously transformed into the Imperial Church of Rome. This not a book about theology, it is a walk through t...

    17,50 €

  • The Thin Line Between Africa and the African American
    K-E Headworld
    K-E Headworld is a 37 year old Nigerian- American play Wright, Poct, Comic and a Lyricist; a Honor Graduate of Criminal Justice, University of Phoenix, Arizona. Writing drama for the BBC World Service while free lancing as an Investigative journalist has really shaped my World I’m an Abolitionist, doing the work of a Reformer through Music and Poetry in disguise as a Preacher h...

    29,15 €

  • La Heráldica desconocida
    José Manuel Huidobro Moya
    Explora cómo la heráldica es un arte vivo con escudos de armas aún en uso generalizado y otros nuevos otorgados cada año, tanto para personas como a instituciones y empresas. No se pierda esta fascinante inmersión en la historia.La heráldica a menudo se asocia con la nobleza, por lo que en ese sentido podría verse como poco relevante para una sociedad sin clases y con mayor mov...

    30,00 €

  • Justice and Mercy
    Rod Miller
    SPUR AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR ROD MILLERJustice Payne built a town on an island in a river. He owns all the land and buildings as well as many of the businesses that occupy the buildings, and collects rent and taxes from the others. As self-appointed judge, mayor, tax assessor, and holder of every other office of note, Justice controls all aspects of life in his town.Most accept th...

    13,33 €

  • Fighter Boy
    John Willis
    Geoffrey Page was one of the most remarkable fighter pilots of World War Two. Shot down in a fireball during the Battle of Britain his hands were burnt to the bone and his face badly charred. Despite his horrific injuries Page went onto fly at D-Day, the Battle of Normandy, and Arnhem. On appointment in 1944 he was the youngest Wing Commander in the RAF, aged 24.During two year...

    37,81 €

  • Aggression under the Guise of Liberation
    Perry Pierik
    With the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September 1939, a secret and extraordinary pact came into effect. Two opposing ideologies, National Socialism and Communism, joined forces to wipe the hated Poland off the map. Even plans for a sub-Poland were eventually dismissed. This co-operation had earlier historical roots, but was also born out of practical necessity. Besides the o...

    22,46 €

  • Nazis to the core
    Jochem Botman
    Wim Sassen’s name has always been linked to the Eichmann case. Little is known about his personal life. Even less is known about the other Sassen family members who, like him, fled to Latin America after WWII. While two sisters abandoned their Nazi ideology and kept a low profile in Ecuador, Wim and his brother Alfons continued their Nazi allegiance. They joined forces with fug...

    27,31 €

  • The Dutch, the Germans and the Jews
    Jan Herman Brinks
    When I wrote ’The Dutch, the Germans and the Jews’, I did not realize that the article was to become so controversial. With regard to the wartime record of the Netherlands, the Dutch had, over the years, constructed a national image of heroic resistance against the German occupier. This image was complemented by a stress on Dutch support of its persecuted Jewish citizens. My ar...

    10,35 €

  • Native American Wisdom
    History Brought Alive
    Native American Wisdom is a special 'Two Books In One Collection'Discover The Soul, Spirit & History of The Great Native American Heritage + Health, Wellness & Natural Healing with Earth’s MedicineIncluded in this Captivating '2 Book Collection' are:Native American History: Accurate & Comprehensive History, Origins, Culture, Tribes, Legends, Mythology, Wars, Stories & More of T...

    18,19 €

  • El Mercado de Cacao en Nueva España durante el Siglo XVIII
    Eduardo Rubio Aliaga
    El cacao ha sido uno de los productos más estudiados por la historiografía para entender las sociedades precolombinas establecidas en Mesoamérica. Desde el conocimiento por parte de los europeos de la planta de cacao en 1502, su fruto se convertirá en uno de los productos más demandados por la población novohispana desde el siglo XVI y cuya demanda continuará creciendo durante ...

    41,25 €

  • J.D. Ponce zu Karl Marx
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse des zweiten Bandes des 'Kapital' von Karl Marx, einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entgeht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie den zweiten Band des 'Kapital' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, wird Ihnen dieser Au...

    20,12 €

  • South Africa’s Tao Te Ching
    Chris Kanyane
    Forget the usual stereotypes. South Africa is more than just stunning landscapes and diverse cultures. It’s a nation with a unique Tao, a vibrant essence that pulsates with the rhythm of its history.This book delves deep into the heart of South Africa, revealing the philosophy that shapes its character. It’s not just 'African'; it’s a universal country captivating blend of anci...

    53,72 €

  • My Best Genealogy Tips
    Robin R. Foster
    In 'My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots,' I will provide guidance on how to begin researching your ancestors in England, and I will show tips on how to gather information about your ancestors. You will start using what is online.It is important that you start an online family tree. I will describe how you can add your family to that family tree, and I show yo...

    14,42 €

  • Die Internationalisierung der Gräueltaten
    Claire E. Aubin
    Nach-Holocaust-Kriegsverbrecherprozesse waren schon immer Gegenstand politischer und juristischer Kontroversen und spiegeln häufig den Wandel der Justiz wider. Ein solcher Prozess, der in den 1980er Jahren fast sofort weltweite Aufmerksamkeit erregte, drehte sich um den Fall von Iwan „John' Demjanjuk, einem ukrainischen Autoarbeiter, der in einem Vorort von Cleveland, Ohio, leb...

    49,87 €

  • L’internationalisation de l’atrocité
    Claire E. Aubin
    Les procès pour crimes de guerre après l’Holocauste ont toujours fait l’objet de controverses politiques et juridiques, et sont souvent le reflet de la nature changeante de la justice. L’un de ces procès, qui a attiré presque immédiatement l’attention du monde entier dans les années 1980, était centré sur le cas d’Ivan John Demjanjuk, un ouvrier ukrainien qui vivait dans la b...

    49,81 €

  • Интернационализация зверства
    Клэр Э. Обен
    Судебные процессы по делам о военных преступлениях после Холокоста всегда были предметом как политических, так и юридических споров и часто отражали меняющуюся природу правосудия. Один из таких судебных процессов, получивший почти мгновенное внимание мировой общественности в 1980-х годах, был связан с делом Ивана Джона Демьянюка, украинского рабочего-автомобилиста, жившего в пр...

    49,87 €

  • L’internazionalizzazione delle atrocità
    Claire E. Aubin
    I processi per crimini di guerra successivi all’Olocausto sono sempre stati oggetto di controversie sia politiche che legali e spesso riflettono in modo significativo la natura mutevole della giustizia. Uno di questi processi, portato quasi subito all’attenzione mondiale negli anni Ottanta, si è incentrato sul caso di Ivan 'John' Demjanjuk, un operaio ucraino che viveva nei sob...

    49,74 €

  • A Internacionalização da Atrocidade
    Claire E. Aubin
    Os julgamentos de crimes de guerra pós-Holocausto foram sempre objeto de controvérsias políticas e jurídicas e reflectem frequentemente a natureza mutável da justiça. Um desses julgamentos, que atraiu a atenção global quase imediata na década de 1980, centrou-se no caso de Ivan 'John' Demjanjuk, um operário automóvel ucraniano que vivia nos subúrbios de Cleveland, no Ohio. Demj...

    49,81 €

  • Megrels Mingrelians
    Kemal Yildirim
    Os Mingrelianos são considerados georgianos devido aos laços históricos e culturais, bem como à identidade nacional partilhada. Os Mingrelianos são um subgrupo étnico dos georgianos e, embora o Mingreliano seja uma língua Kartveliana distinta, está intimamente relacionado com a língua georgiana. Os Mingrelianos têm sido parte integrante do tecido histórico e cultural da Geórgia...

    60,38 €

  • Megrels Mingrelianer
    Kemal Yildirim
    Die Mingrelianer werden aufgrund historischer und kultureller Bindungen sowie einer gemeinsamen nationalen Identität als Georgier betrachtet. Die Mingrelianer sind eine ethnische Untergruppe der Georgier, und obwohl Mingrelian eine eigenständige kartvelianische Sprache ist, ist sie eng mit der georgischen Sprache verwandt. Die Mingrelier sind ein integraler Bestandteil des hist...

    60,38 €

  • Megrels Mingrelians
    Kemal Yildirim
    I mingreliani sono considerati georgiani a causa dei legami storici e culturali, nonché dell’identità nazionale condivisa. I mingreliani sono un sottogruppo etnico dei georgiani e il mingreliano, pur essendo una lingua kartveliana distinta, è strettamente legato alla lingua georgiana. I mingreliani sono stati parte integrante del tessuto storico e culturale della Georgia e la l...

    60,38 €

  • Мегрелы Мингрелы
    Кемал Ыилдирим
    Мегрелы считаются грузинами благодаря историческим и культурным связям, а также общей национальной идентичности. Мегрелы - этническая подгруппа грузин, и хотя мегрельский язык является отдельным картвельским языком, он тесно связан с грузинским языком. Мегрелы являются неотъемлемой частью исторической и культурной ткани Грузии, и их идентичность переплетается с идентичностью вс...

    60,38 €