Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11521)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Losing A Pet - A Book of Grief & Recovery
    Emily Newcombe
    Break The Cycle of Pain and Guilt Today With a New Understanding of Pet Loss GriefFeeling lost without your soul pet? Is your heart shattered by their passing, whether it was completely unexpected or the natural result of old age? Are you feeling alone in this grief, asking yourself when the pain will end?'Losing a Pet - A Book of Grief & Recovery' is your guide to peace and un...

    13,01 €

  • The Weight of Our Things
    Julie Martella
    Losing your spouse or partner is an experience that weighs heavily on the soul. They often leave behind more than just memories. They leave rooms filled with possessions, each holding a story, a sentiment, a whisper of the past. You might be left wondering:How will I navigate this profound intersection of emotion and belongings?How will I navigate the maze of possessions left b...

    37,03 €

  • Voe Mais Alto
    Osman Freitas
    Voe Mais Altoé um guia inspirador de Osman Freitas, autor renomado. A obra desvenda os segredos do sucesso, convidando os leitores a uma jornada de autodescoberta e crescimento pessoal. Por meio de textos cativantes, exemplos de sucesso e lições poderosas, FREITAS destaca a importância de metas claras, mentalidade positiva e habilidades essenciais. O livro encoraja a enfrentar ...

    9,94 €

  • Gestor De Segurança
    Alvaro Rodrigues
    O autor foi feliz em abordar esse tema, trazendo princípios práticos, com uma escrita clara e direta, demonstrando que não basta termos somente conhecimentos técnicos(Hardskills), que são essenciais em nossa profissão, mas que as habilidades chamadas de não técnicas(Softskills) humanizam a gestão, fazendo com que o colaborador se sinta de fato acompanhado, motivado e assistido ...

    7,77 €

  • Renascer Silencioso
    Roni César Barros Padilha
    Em janeiro de 2011, o autor sofreu um AVC (Acidente Vascular Cerebral) isquêmico de tronco (cerebelo). Nesta obra, Roni narra os últimos momentos antes do aneurisma e como foi o seu renascer após nove dias de coma, sem voz, sem movimentos e a cognição intacta. Como foi essa percepção de tudo à sua volta e, principalmente, o processo de comunicação com os mais próximos, somente ...

    17,21 €

  • The Art of Bristle
    Judy Kowalsky
    Honest, humorous, poignant, and raw with emotion...Judy Kowalsky’s life is filled with alcoholism, suicide, and tragic loss. As an adult, the author encounters more heartbreaking catastrophes before realizing that she has spent a lifetime meeting the same personalities, experiencing challenging emotional years of learned behaviors and actions that go well beyond childhood. Mayb...

    14,28 €

    Have you experienced hearing a whispered voice when no one else is around, or perhaps a gentle nudge appearing to direct you? Have you had a dream of a departed loved one so real that it left you with undeniable feelings? Have you had inanimate objects suddenly turn on by themselves?Have you thought that it was all a coincidence or maybe your imagination? Are you looking for an...

    15,10 €

  • Happy Ever After in Bellbird Bay
    Maggie Christensen
    It’s been over twenty years since Cass Marshall’s relationship fell apart, and she returned home to Bellbird Bay. Now, although happy with the success of her beachwear business, Cass often longs for someone special to share her life.Nursing the wounds of a failed marriage, Mick Roberts has finally accepted his ex has moved on with her life. Determined to avoid his daughter’s at...

    19,62 €

  • At Close Range
    Leesa Ross
    Leesa Ross did not expect to write a book. Neither did she expect the tragedy that her family endured, a horrific and sudden death that led her to write At Close Range. Her debut memoir is the story of what happened after her son Jon died in a freak gun accident at a party. Ross unsparingly shares the complexities of grief as it ripples through the generations of her family, th...

    24,13 €

  • Guia Prático Para Vencer A Depressão.
    Dr.rogério R.café
    EmGuia Prático para Vencer a Depressão , mergulhe em um manual abrangente que vai além das palavras, oferecendo ferramentas tangíveis para enfrentar a batalha contra a depressão. Descubra neste livro não apenas estratégias para identificar sinais de depressão e oferecer apoio empático, mas também fornece orientações comportamentais claras fundamentais e valiosas dicas nutricion...

    11,11 €

  • Poemas Perdidos
    Diego Carneiro
    Poemas Perdidosse trata de um livro com diversos poemas contemplando os mais variados temas. O autor defende a livre expressão como uma das mais belas formas de arte. Portanto, neste livro, o leitor irá se deliciar com poemas românticos, ácidos, bucólicos e dramáticos. Inspire-se de alguma forma e se arrisque nessa leitura. ...

    14,71 €

  • My Fucked Up Fairytale
    Dale Perrault
    Dale Perrault, born Dale Edward Sullivan, was raised in the Heartland of Florida. Dale’s mother was born developmentally and physically disabled, taken advantage of by his 'sperm donor', leaving him in the care of less than desirable members of his birth family. He was given the last name Driver at the age of nine, and ultimately aged out of the foster care system after living ...

    10,58 €

  • Unstoppable You
    Olivia Paige

    16,83 €

  • Blockchain Technology In Healthcare And Medicine
    Mbuso Mabuza
    We live in an era of the digital health revolution where technological and knowledge breakthroughs greatly enhance the care we deliver to patients. However, our healthcare system still holds many friction points.This book examines cases where Blockchain can be a leverage to address some of healthcare’s biggest challenges. Blockchain technology, sometimes considered as the next ...

    19,81 €

  • Love Never Dies
    Franka J. Baly / Franka J. Baly
    Widowed at 40 and left to raise her four-year-old twin sons alone, the author was thrust into confronting an unexpected and traumatic reality. With heart, hope, and a focus on healing, she shares, through 12 lessons how she successfully navigated the highs and lows of her grief journey to raise her sons as a single mother. With heartfelt emotion and a unique ability to capture ...

    25,36 €

  • Telling Stories in the Dark
    Jeffrey Munroe
    In the darkest corners of our lives, where sorrow, trauma, grief and pain reside, there exists a profound capacity for resilience and hope. Telling Stories in the Dark by Jeffrey Munroe is a uniquely inspiring non-fiction book that illuminates the transformative power of sharing our most profound experiences of suffering.Within the pages of this remarkable compilation, you will...

    24,56 €

  • Telling Stories in the Dark
    Jeffrey Munroe
    In the darkest corners of our lives, where sorrow, trauma, grief and pain reside, there exists a profound capacity for resilience and hope. Telling Stories in the Dark by Jeffrey Munroe is a uniquely inspiring non-fiction book that illuminates the transformative power of sharing our most profound experiences of suffering.Within the pages of this remarkable compilation, you will...

    37,04 €

  • No Deserto Da Vida
    Ivanise Hübner Patrocínio
    O livro No Deserto da Vida nos mostra que o deserto é um lugar inóspito, onde a vida luta por existir porque os extremos ali são uma realidade. A paisagem pode ser cansativa e por isso mesmo é um lugar que causa pouca distração. A sua imensidão árida reflete a necessidade de buscar um meio de sobreviver, e essa aridez pode muito bem refletir um estado de espírito que precisa bu...

    16,23 €

  • The Clinical Conversationalist
    Linda Rosenbery
    Unlock the Power of Conversation in Insomnia Therapy: Transform Patient Education with a Groundbreaking Blueprint.Designed expressly for patient educators and medical staff, ’The Clinical Conversationalist: A Patient Educator’s Guide to Working With Insomnia Clients’ arrives as a vital addition to the evolving field of sleep medicine. Authored by Linda Rosenbery, an adept menta...

    34,08 €

  • Love Heals All Wounds
    Linda F. Kent
    Are you ready to change the direction of your life and experience a brighter, more heart-centered, and fulfilling existence?In this book, you will discover how to achieve what had previously seemed impossible. You will find out how to push through the fears and obstacles that have held you back. Be ready to be uplifted by your new-found sense of joy, love, and peace!In Love Hea...

    13,01 €

  • Uma Caixa De Bombons
    Alberto Dal Molin Filho
    Nas páginas deUma Caixa de Bombons , somos levados a uma emocionante jornada entre realidade e ficção, onde uma simples missão confiada a um ex-dependente químico desencadeia uma série de eventos que não só transformam sua própria vida, mas também a daqueles ao seu redor, direta e indiretamente.Ao narrar as experiências marcantes e desafiadoras pelas quais o protagonista passa,...

    28,05 €

  • Accept That You Are Imperfect
    Jade Grantham / Sarah Michelle
    'I believe the more we talk about our own stories, the more people will see their own similarities and differences and develop the courage to speak out and seek the help they need and deserve.'Jade GranthamEmbark on a journey through resilience and vulnerability as the author unveils the truth behind her battle with bulimia. In a world fixated on recovery, this book challenges ...

    19,01 €

  • Comprehensive Substance Abuse Recovery
    Renee Frye
    This Deconstructing Trauma™ Interactive Workbook Curriculum, paired with our Deconstructing Trauma™ guidebook, offers new perspectives and tools that reprogram negative, chaotic patterns that have occurred from trauma in our lives. We have all been through some form of trauma-generational, historical, vicarious, secondary, and lived traumatic experiences-that affects our daily ...

    17,18 €

  • A Purely Wrong Story
    Laurel Burns
    Life took your innocence, but shame is snatching everything that remains.Maybe someone took your choice, or perhaps you regret the choices you made, but with dysfunctional sexual incidents on the rise, so are the numbers of women living with the shame incurred from these detrimental experiences increasing as well. Until now, your best options have remained guarding your story a...

    11,82 €

  • Path Unguided
    Bald Solomon
    Enjoy the Innovative Genre of Self-Help FictionThis book masterfully combines the escapism appeal of fiction with the insightful lessons of self-help, guiding readers through a story of discovery and personal growth.About the Book:Protagonist Delilah Boaz is thrust into a thrilling and action-packed journey. As she grapples with a strained relationship with her father, her worl...

    14,46 €

  • Self-Help Books for Women - How to Overcome Depression, Anxiety, Divorce, Addiction, and Trauma
    Dr. Robertino Bedenian
    If You Want to Learn How Self-Help Strategies Can Help You In So Many Areas of Your Life Such as Depression, Anxiety, Divorce, Addiction, Trauma, and Many More, Read On...Have you ever felt helpless and overwhelmed after facing an emotionally, economically, or psychologically challenging situation?Have you ever wondered if there is a way to be better prepared to handle unexpect...

    14,37 €

  • Como Parei De Fumar
    Osório Savoldi
    Quando queremos largar o cigarro, nossa mente nos diz:VOCÊ NUNCA SERÁ FELIZ SEM O CIGARRO.Esse é um grande truque da droga, uma jogada suja para nos manter acorrentados.Cada viciado que abandona o vício é prejuízo para os Fabricantes. Nós somos manipulados como marionetes.O cigarro contêm inúmeras substâncias criadas para que não consigamos PARAR DE FUMAR. Conheça o filme que c...

    12,92 €

  • Mindful Aging
    Mystique Quill
    Embark on a transformative journey with 'Mindful Aging: Embracing Wisdom and Well-Being as You Grow Older.' This comprehensive guide is your roadmap to unlocking the secrets of aging with intention, grace, and profound fulfillment.Discover the art of Mindful Aging, where each page invites you to cultivate mindfulness practices tailored for seniors. This isn’t just a guide; it’s...

    28,25 €

  • Artasque
    Jamilah J Thomas / Jamilah Thomas
    A woman is stuck in the middle a painting crime story of the century, and everyone’s pointing fingers at her. In 1995, A painting was stolen underneath everyone’s faces, and everyone’s pointing figures at the wrong person. In this comedic reverse heist story, a group of people who are somehow connected with the real thief are tasked to get it back by a mysterious person.  ...

    9,64 €

  • Poesias De Um Jovem Disperso I
    Orpheus Noah
    Esse livro de maneira separada, é desabafo diário, ao longo do ano fui aprendendo e desenvolvendo minha escrita, de tal maneira a começar a escrever poesia. Desde já aviso, que essa obra contém palavras erradas de alguém confuso, e de maneira hedionda, traduz seus sentimentos em versos exagerados. ...

    22,13 €