Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11552)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Peace in the Red Rock Valley
    James E. Gilmer

    17,14 €

  • Mom, I’ll Stop Crying, If You Stop Crying
    Robert Samaras

    28,40 €

  • Exito En Los Anos Dorados
    Jose Silva Hernandez / Jose Silva-Hernandez

    10,51 €

  • Disability and the Life Course
    Mark Priestley

    136,53 €

  • Behind the Smile
    Marie Osmond

    35,44 €

  • Torrey’s Miracle a Matter of Choice
    Margaret Berger Morse
    This is the personal account of a family’s journey when their daughter, Torrey, is diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. The purpose is to share their choices of an alternative cancer therapy and the role of faith in that decision. ...

    14,64 €

  • Getting Up When You’re Feeling Down
    Harriet B. Braiker

    29,07 €

  • The Split Brain
    Aurealia Nelson

    12,92 €

  • Gifts from the Unknown
    Louis E. LaGrand

    24,08 €

  • No Such Thing as a Bad Day
    Hamilton Jordan
    An astounding collection of adventures and observations, woven into a dramatic account that helps to clarify some of the mysteries of our nation’s recent history....Hamilton’s story offers a rare combination of insight, wry humor, and real inspiration.'-- Jimmy Carter, in the ForewordHamilton Jordan has had a life full of personal struggles, from firsthand encounters with racia...

    16,40 €

  • Parenting Children with Learning Disabilities
    Diane B. Goss / Diane BGoss / Jane Utley Adelizzi

    57,68 €

  • Caring for Sexually Abused Children
    Dr. R. Timothy Kearney
    Dealing with the sexual abuse of a child is painful and difficult. When it happens to children within our church families, we all are affected and wonder how to respond. What help should we seek? What support can we offer? What healing is possible? What can we do to prevent abuse in the future?In this warm and hopeful book, R. Timothy Kearney shows how healing, justice, forgive...

    24,85 €

  • View from the Cliff
    Lynn PhD Weiss / Lynn Weiss
    With her simple, straightforward program, an acclaimed A.D.D. expert lays out the tools and techniques to help sharpen existing strengths and develop new ones. Weiss’s practical guide teaches readers to unlock innate abilities effectively while cultivating skills that have long eluded them. ...

    15,13 €

  • A Woman’s Guide to Living Alone
    Pamela Stone
    A Woman’s Guide to Living Alone offers practical advice and personal stories to help women successfully ease into a new and full lifestyle after the termination of a marriage, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a loved one. ...

    13,55 €

  • Forth and Back
    Katie Ricci Franzosa

    24,61 €

  • Waking to Tears
    Traci Bieber Nelson

    16,33 €

  • Conquering Your Migraine
    Seymour Diamond

    13,86 €

  • Prozac Backlash
    Joseph Glenmullen
    Roughly 28 million Americans -- one in every ten -- have taken Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil or a similar antidepressant, yet very few patients are aware of the dangers of these drugs, nor are they aware that better, safer alternatives exist. Now Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Joseph Glenmullen documents the ominous long-term side effects associated with these and other serotonin-boos...

    21,48 €

  • Stepping Out
    C. Shaw

    14,07 €

  • The Infinite Thread
    Alexandra Kennedy
    The INFINITE THREAD strips away the veils of mystery surrounding death and transcends preconceptions about death and dying. Rich with opportunities for reflection, it brings enormous comfort to anyone who has ever lost a loved one or been faced with their own mortality. ...

    13,63 €

  • K.B. & Me
    Judith Trotter Short
    Judy Short had a root canal in the morning and learned that afternoon that she had flunked her mammogram. She describes it as 'Quite possibly one of the worst days of my life.'Everyone wants to meet Judy’s Killer Bunny (K.B.)! He is the visualization aid that she used to help in her battle with breast cancer. Judy envisioned that her white blood cells were Killer Bunnies, at...

    12,92 €

  • God Doesn’t Make Trash
    Barbara Rose Brooker

    19,48 €

  • Orphaned at 39
    Jonathon David Eide

    24,98 €

  • What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Pediatric Fibromyalgia
    Claudia Craig Marek / R. Paul St Amand / RPaul St Amand

    23,95 €

  • Lost in the Mirror
    Richard AMoskovitz / Richard M.D. Maskovitz / Richard M.DMaskovitz / Richard Maskovitz
    Borderline personality disorder accounts for almost 25 percent of psychiatric hospitalizations in this country. Lost in the Mirror takes readers behind the erratic behavior of this puzzling disorder, examining its underlying causes and revealing the unimaginable pain and fear beneath its surface. ...

    11,85 €

  • Oh No, Not Me!
    Joseph W. Lintzenich

    14,98 €

  • The Diabetic Diary
    Larry Sutton

    17,47 €

  • Aspirin, Band-Aids & Tender Loving Care
    Doc H
    A highly respected physician details his struggle with both treating alcoholics and battling the disease himself. ...

    11,00 €

  • For the Love of Teddi
    Lou Buttino

    56,57 €

  • On Both Sides of the Couch
    Precious Jewel

    16,15 €