Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11546)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Wilson’s Disase for the Patient and Family
    George J. Brewer / George JBrewer / M. D. George J. Brewer / MDGeorge JBrewer

    18,76 €

  • Season of Shadows
    Tom Hooker
    When his only child died of cancer at age twenty-one, Tom Hooker? ...

    13,53 €

  • The Channel
    Priscilla Anderson

    16,56 €

  • The Ganja Complex
    Ansley Hamid
    In The Ganja Complex Ansley Hamid skillfully welds together two decades of ethnographic research on marijuana in the Caribbean and the United States. Hamid juxtaposes an in-depth study of the spread of Rastafari in the 1970s with an examination of the rise of an international marijuana economy. This revisionist work departs radically from previous scholarship by identifying Ras...

    144,27 €

  • Why Daddy, Why?
    Emelia Dion Hardy

    18,27 €

  • Woman With Fear
    Ora Mae Irving

    16,56 €

  • The Early Life of Jeomie East
    Phyllis East

    13,53 €

  • All the Kings Horses, All the Kings Men
    Donna Purves

    20,47 €

  • 101 Easy Things to do for a Loved One with Cancer
    Cynthia L. Sleeper

    16,33 €

  • What Doctors Didn’t Tell Us
    Loretta Schultz / Martha Falterman / Neppie Trahan
    This book is not about the cancer or cancer medication but about living with the disease. It is meant to help you understand the cancer patient as they search for some semblance of normalcy in their lives. ...

    10,12 €

  • AIDS
    Jerry Leonard
    The author reveals the fantastic benefits of the AIDS epidemic and traces the source of the disease to the government?s war on cancer--specifically, the development of immunosuppressive viruses and the documented testing of monkey cancer viruses in human subjects ...

    13,37 €

  • Dot’s Dateline
    Dottie Zimmerman
    For anybody whoever thought about answering a singles ad in a newspaper you’ll want to read about this 90 year old woman’s twenty year collection of unrequited love letters. You’ll absolutely think twice before you start up any letter exchanges. ...

    11,66 €

  • My Mother’s Ghost
    Fergus M. Bordewich / Fergus MBordewich

    15,61 €

  • Inner Cycles of Health
    Marilyne V. Moyers-Mabery

    18,57 €

  • Miracle Lady on 6th Floor
    Ruth E. Foat / Ruth EFoat
    The hospital personnel are amazed with Ruth Foat?s survival. She is transparent in sharing her struggles mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically; the way she coped with fear, pain, discouragement, depression and helplessness; but through it all retained hope for health. ...

    13,50 €

    Bob Livingstone Lcsw
    Bob Livingstone describes in dream-like sequences his personaltherapeuticexperience while undergoing Sandtray Therapy to address the loss of hisfather during adolescence. He takes the reader through the processingoffeelings until the good and bad are fully integrated. ...

    32,74 €

  • Depression
    Ernest Keen

    141,69 €

  • The Natural Way to a Healthy Heart
    Stephen Holt
    An exploration of mind/body medicine in relation to the heart, Holt’s pluralistic medicine encompasses both the conventional and the alternative, embracing any and all treatments that are safe and effective. ...

    12,46 €

  • Mud, Sweat and Beers
    T. Collins / Tony Collins / Wray Vamplew
    Short-listed for the North American Society for Sport History Book Award 2003. Alcohol is never far from sporting events. Although popular thinking on the effects of drinking has changed considerably over time, throughout history sport and alcohol have been intimately linked. The Victorians, for example, believed that beer helped to build stamina, whereas today any serious athl...

    193,91 €

  • Resilient Widowers
    Alinde J. Moore / Alinde JMoore / Dorothy C. Stratton / Dorothy CStratton

    165,39 €

  • Perspectives on Loss and Trauma
    Harvey / John H. Harvey

    172,57 €

  • Lifelines
    Muriel R. M.D. Gillick / Muriel RM.DGillick

    18,25 €

  • I Hope I Look That Good When I’m That Old
    Dona Irvin

    17,23 €

  • Despedida En Otono
    Elsa Burgess-Flores

    21,89 €

  • Coping with Grief
    C. A. Komar / CAKomar

    17,74 €

    Susan Erling Martinez
    Last Call for Alcohol: Healing a Marriage Harmed byAlcohol Abuse is the author’s straightforward story of her tumultuous lifewith an active alcoholic, their climatic downfall, and their subsequenthealing. Includes spiritual and metaphysical healing concepts andsuggestions. Lively and true. ...

    33,07 €

  • Waiting for the Morning
    Brenda Parris Sibley
    From the creator of the award-winning Web site, 3 ...

    30,91 €

  • The Aging Eye
    Harvard Medical School / Sandra Gordon
    DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE READING MENUS?DO YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO DISTINGUISHBETWEEN BLACK AND DARK BLUE?DO YOU WORRY EXCESSIVELY ABOUT GLAREWHEN DRIVING AT NIGHT?One out of every five of us is affected by impaired vision by the time we turn sixty-five. To help you preserve your vision now -- and beyond -- The Aging Eye discusses three common eye disorders that pose the greatest th...

    15,56 €

  • Deepest Wound
    Linda Crockett

    27,58 €

  • The Music of Madness
    Tracy L. Harris

    17,34 €