Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11546)

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  • Vaskuläre Kompressionssyndrome - Was Sie wissen müssen
    Mohammad E. Barbati
    Vaskuläre Kompressionssyndrome sind eine Gruppe von Erkrankungen, bei denen Blutgefäße durch umliegende Strukturen zusammengedrückt oder eingeklemmt werden, was zu einer Reihe von Symptomen und gesundheitlichen Problemen führt. Die Diagnose und das Management dieser Syndrome sind seit vielen Jahren ein Diskussionsthema unter Medizinern.Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überb...

    10,48 €

  • The Vulnerable Alpha
    Jevon Almond
    The Vulnerable Alpha is a version of ourselves we all have the capability to become. Within this book, the author walks you through significant moments of adversity and tremendous challenge in his own life to showcase how we all have an ability to overcome obstacles and recreate our ideal lifestyle full of abundance, success, love, and happiness. Jevon provides some simple but ...

    12,80 €

  • Pursued
    Michael J. Heil
    We had lit a forest on fire...We were stoned out of our senses...My sister was calling 9-1-1... As I watched the flames dance across the twilight sky, consuming everything in their path, I realized they represented my life. In my pursuit of pleasure and partying, I had ignited an addiction worse than any forest fire. After five arrests, a dozen allegations, a v-squad of cop car...

    18,05 €

  • Pursued
    Michael J. Heil
    We had lit a forest on fire...We were stoned out of our senses...My sister was calling 9-1-1... As I watched the flames dance across the twilight sky, consuming everything in their path, I realized they represented my life. In my pursuit of pleasure and partying, I had ignited an addiction worse than any forest fire. After five arrests, a dozen allegations, a v-squad of cop car...

    27,99 €

  • Nathan
    Carole A. Bruno
    When Nathan Bruno died of an overdose at twenty-two, his struggle with depression and addiction came to an end. Now the struggle belonged to those who’d known him. What would they do with their overwhelming love for a bright, beautiful soul who was no longer there?In Nathan: Love, Remembrance, and a Grandmother’s Journey Through Grief, Carole Bruno lives her way to the answers....

    18,90 €

  • Sobre Dinheiro
    John Land Carth
    DINHEIRO E ESPIRITUALIDADE, SIM, É POSSÍVEL.Existe ainda muito preconceito com o dinheiro no mundo, uma boa parte deste preconceito se dá pela má formação religiosa, tanto é que os países e povos que não tiveram essa formação desde sua origem, nem a adotaram como regra de sobrevivência, são os povos que em melhor situação econômica vivem, incluem-se aí os povos judeus e os muçu...

    13,36 €

  • Eu Escolho Florescer
    Flora Dominguez
    Se você está em busca de uma leitura emocionante e transformadora, não pode deixar de conferir meu novo livroEu Escolho Florescer . Com uma linguagem franca e corajosa, este livro aborda temas delicados como codependência emocional, negligência afetiva, medo, raiva, abuso sexual, ego, família disfuncional, suicídio e mães narcisistas. Mas não se engane: este não é um livro somb...

    30,62 €

  • Multiple Sclerosis
    Alain L Fymat
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic debilitating demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It is caused by an autoimmune attack resulting in the progressive loss of the myelin sheath on neuronal axons. The resultant decrease in the speed of signal transduction leads to a loss of functionality that includes both cognitive and motor impairment depending on the locatio...

    99,36 €

  • Multiple Sclerosis
    Alain L Fymat
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic debilitating demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It is caused by an autoimmune attack resulting in the progressive loss of the myelin sheath on neuronal axons. The resultant decrease in the speed of signal transduction leads to a loss of functionality that includes both cognitive and motor impairment depending on the locatio...

    85,31 €

  • Saúde Integral 2
    Sara Michele Lambert
    Do ponto de vista histórico, o homem primitivo tinha uma relação natural com o ambiente, com a natureza que o rodeava, com as plantas e com os animais. Existia, portanto, uma harmonia entre o homem e a natureza. Nos dois últimos séculos, o homem foi perdendo cada vez mais seu instinto natural, criando-se assim a insegurança quanto à alimentação e à cura.A percepção natural foi ...

    9,30 €

  • The Spiritual Experiences of Hospice Nurses
    Lawrence James
    Hospice Nurses’The Spiritual Experiences of Hospice Nurses’ highlights hospice staff’s comprehensive care for patients, families, and friends. Patients receive medical, physical, psychosocial, and spiritual support, providing peaceful growth. While some may view death as the end, others believe it marks the beginning of a spiritual journey, such as the Christian concept of asce...

    10,93 €

  • Tragic Tragedy
    A little girl’s journey wading through the aftermath of multiple assaults without the support and protection of her mom and dad. Refusing to give up on herself or her dreams, she chooses to love herself and work on her mindset to attract the love and life she’s always wanted: one just like Dr. Kirby. She befriends God in an effort to protect herself from her family. Her friends...

    12,20 €

  • Opioid Hell
    Dylan Cole / Laura Cole
    A compelling tale of a mother’s struggle to save her son, recovery center secrets, loss, death, and grief. She wanted him to get well but was confronted with a system more focused on profit than recovery. Laura Cole felt like a failure. Watching her beloved son detox from heroin time and again. She struggled to help him through addiction recovery treatment and pharmacotherapy. ...

    15,80 €

  • Our Hope For Isabelle
    Elizabeth Bloomquist / Taylor Bloomquist
    "...The world cannot define your child’s worth..." "Our Hope for Isabelle" is a touching and inspirational book co-authored by a husband and wife who share their personal journey of deciding to start a family, how a shocking diagnosis of a life-limiting genetic abnormality impacts their pregnancy, and how they navigate carrying to term together.  With a strong emphasis on their...

    14,56 €

  • Mom’s Search for Meaning
    Melissa Monroe
    Mom’s Search for Meaning was awarded Honorable Mention in Writer’s Digest 2023 Self-Published Book Awards. Paralyzed by guilt, grief, and PTSD after her 2-year-old daughter Alice died in her sleep of unknown causes, acupuncturist Melissa Monroe determined not to become a victim in the story of her life. While taking the advice she had given to many grief and trauma patients thr...

    19,66 €

  • Getting Back Up After The Death Of A Child
    Eric Washington
    The door opened, and I was asked to come in. Walking as slow as I could possibly walk, I walked through the door and looked over at the large refrigerators for the deceased and saw one drawer opened. As I got closer, I could see my son’s beard sticking out of the body bag. I froze, didn’t and couldn’t breathe, staring at my boy. Got closer and noticed he still had a breathing t...

    18,17 €

  • Love Letters From Your Body
    Sabina Singwell
    'Love your body' is an easy slogan to throw around, but a hard expectation to fulfill. When we force body positivity on ourselves, we often end up feeling guilty and worse than when we started.But what if we’ve got it backwards? What if a feeling of love for our bodies didn’t come from our brains, but vice versa?What if your body sent love to your mind rather than the other way...

    4,96 €

  • Sjogren’s Syndrome
    Mary Golanna
    Sjogren syndrome is an autoimmune condition that impacts the exocrine glands. These glands are important for the production of saliva and tears.The glands that are responsible for producing tears (the lacrimal glands) and saliva (the salivary glands) are the primary targets of the immune system’s attacks, which inhibit the glands’ capacity to release the relevant fluids. This c...

    10,65 €

  • Them Before Me - Born Into Grief. Journeyed Into Love.
    Nancy Pechner
    *100% book sale proceeds donated. LOVE - SELF-HELP - COMPASSION It’s crazy how a moment in time can change the course of an entire family.  Them Before Me is the story of a child innocently born into a family living in emotional chaos.  Nancy’s parents lived in the shadow of historical trauma from immigration, family deaths, abuse, and divorce, and were unable to deliver the pa...

    21,73 €

  • When Grief Becomes US
    Janelle Johnson
    In this pioneering book of work, Janelle Johnson brings consciousness lending to the bereaved as they access information, insight, foresight on grief, resources, added coping skills, and mindfulness. Janelle has worked with grievers as young as three years old to old age for over a decade. The fact remains that while grief is individualized, the bereaved are not alone. When dea...

    28,61 €

  • Moving Forward Looking Back
    Beth Ann Blackwood
    How long does it take to move forward from the loss of the love of your life?  An inspirational back and forth journey through the joys and hardships of life, Moving Forward, Looking Back is a week by week catalog of Beth Ann’s first year after her husband Tom’s death, written in real time. Each of the 52 chapters is broken into two parts, starting with the present and then ref...

    16,59 €

  • Letting God - Revised edition
    A. Philip Parham

    11,25 €

  • Mission Hope
    Char Murphy / Maria Lehtman
    This collection of personal and professional stories is written from the heart, by everyday people just like you. They will make you laugh and make you cry. Above all, it will give you more confidence and strength to confront your own adversities in life, and to know, you’re not alone. The authors of Mission Hope have been where you are right now. They want you to know, if they...

    20,22 €

  • Flavors of Confidence
    Massimo Rigotti
    A story of every imaginable addiction from alcohol, cocaine, sex, work, and failure that helps addicts, especially bi-polar ones, create their own unique path to sobriety - their Flavor of Confidence. A wild ride from childhood to celebrity filled parties in Hollywood Hills to homelessness, Massimo Rigotti lays himself bare for the world to put themselves in his shoes. As he sh...

    16,03 €

  • Climbing Out of Depression
    Jacklyn Brown
    It has been written, I have unusual insight into the problems of human existence. My ability to assist people on their journey to overcome life’s challenges comes from an inner wellspring of Spirit. Additionally, my studies help me analyze how and why things work in our lives. Credentials and degrees are the usual criteria for works such as this book. I have qualifications, jus...

    20,18 €

  • Climbing Out of Depression
    Jacklyn Brown
    It has been written, I have unusual insight into the problems of human existence. My ability to assist people on their journey to overcome life’s challenges comes from an inner wellspring of Spirit. Additionally, my studies help me analyze how and why things work in our lives. Credentials and degrees are the usual criteria for works such as this book. I have qualifications, jus...

    13,69 €

    Ana Mael
    You are not alone in your trauma. We all share it.Discover the hidden truths about trauma, healing and self-discovery in 'The Trauma We Don’t Talk About ' series.This relatable and life-changing collection of 197 reflections on experiencing trauma includes facts, real stories, satirical tales of coping, and poems about mental health that will leave you feeling validated and emp...

    12,80 €

  • The Missing Moved In
    Laura Fox
    A Daughter’s Lament, a Father’s LegacyThis is the story of a simple man with passionate faith and the daughter who grieves him. Laura Fox crafts this vulnerable lament using vivid imagery and storytelling-introducing readers to 'the Missing.' Both a void and a presence, the Missing is the thread with which Fox weaves together memories of her unique upbringing and more recent re...

    18,92 €

  • The Missing Moved In
    Laura Fox
    A Daughter’s Lament, a Father’s LegacyThis is the story of a simple man with passionate faith and the daughter who grieves him. Laura Fox crafts this vulnerable lament using vivid imagery and storytelling-introducing readers to 'the Missing.' Both a void and a presence, the Missing is the thread with which Fox weaves together memories of her unique upbringing and more recent re...

    22,45 €

  • Why Don’t You Drink Alcohol?
    Sienna Green
    Why is alcohol the only drug we have to justify NOT taking? If you want 101 hilarious ways to say I quit drinking alcohol without admitting you might be an alcoholic, keep reading........Have you ever been asked, 'Why Don’t You Drink Alcohol?' and felt like you were being judged as if you were an alien from outer space? The concept of asking someone why they don’t want the nigh...

    12,79 €