Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11535)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Twenty
    Marianne C Bohr / Marianne C. Bohr
    In this past-the-blush-of-youth adventure story, Marianne Bohr and her husband head to Corsica to celebrate turning sixty by hiking the 124-mile GR20, Europe’s toughest long-distance footpath, and find themselves confronted with universal themes-coming to terms with aging, surmounting physical limitations, and being kind to oneself—along the way. ...

    13,89 €

  • Parkinson’s Caregivers
    Cheryl Hughes
    Caregiving involves helping our loved ones live and die with dignity. This book gives hope and encouragement to families and caregivers of those with a degenerative condition like Parkinson’s Disease. In it you will find answers to your current questions and those you haven’t even thought of, as you move from despair to hope. And all of this comes from someone who has experienc...

    14,42 €

  • Staring at Walls
    Jen Perry
    Do you want ways to not just survive depression and PTSD, but to thrive and live life to the fullest? Do you ever feel lost on how to find joy and inner peace amidst mental illness?If so, this book is definitely for you! Staring at Walls will guide you to overcome these challenges. It offers a practical guide on finding compassion for yourself, while adding some humor to an oth...

    12,67 €

  • why
    Ekaterina Limónova / Tatiana Limónova
    Ekaterina Limonova, who pursued higher education and achieved professional success without even suspecting that her hearing ability was well below average, embarks on Why, a journey through her life experiences, from her difficult childhood in the Soviet Union in the 1980s to her current life in Great Britain, where she was finally diagnosed with hearing loss, as well as one of...

    19,66 €

  • Quando A Morte Nos Traz À Vida
    Marina Gajardoni
    Em uma linguagem simples e descomplicada, este livro, tem o intuito de falar de forma leve e reflexiva sobre a morte e o processo de luto. É indicado para todas as pessoas que amam a vida e querem buscar conhecimento e mudança de olhar sobre a maior dor do mundo, sendo elas enlutadas ou não. Nele você encontrará ferramentas para suportar e aliviar a dor, buscar aceitação diante...

    11,42 €

  • Out in the Dark
    Suzan Digh
    Dive into a journey of self-discovery and resilience with this alternative (and dark) collection of found poetry. This collection explores one woman’s story as she navigated the intricate world of mental health, gender identity/orientation, and societal acceptance.Through the artful reconstruction (and deconstruction) of an early draft version of the author’s forthcoming novel,...

    12,03 €

  • Por qué
    Ekaterina Limónova
    Ekaterina Limónova, que estudió una carrera universitaria superior y alcanzó el éxito profesional sin sospechar siquiera que su capacidad auditiva era muy inferior a la media, emprende en Por qué un viaje por sus experiencias vitales, desde su complicada infancia en la Unión Soviética de los años 80 hasta su vida actual en Gran Bretaña, donde finalmente fue diagnosticada su pér...

    19,66 €

  • Nurse Florence®, What is Glaucoma?
    Michael Dow
    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children’s health literacy level as wel...

    24,80 €

  • Encontrando Paz Em Tempo De Incertezas
    Eduardo Ribeiro
    Sinopse:Encontrando Paz em Tempo de Incertezasé um livro que aborda a necessidade humana fundamental de encontrar paz em meio ao caos da vida. O livro explora as várias formas em que Deus pode ser uma fonte de paz em momentos de dificuldade, como problemas financeiros, doenças, relacionamentos difíceis e outros obstáculos. Através de versículos bíblicos e reflexões, o autor des...

    7,16 €

  • Viva Sistemicamente Feliz
    Fátima Pinheiro
    Existe uma felicidade verdadeira e completa, sem prazo de validade, que pode ser desperta e vivida por você, independentemente de seu estado atual.ENTÃO, COMO ACESSAR ESSA FELICIDADE EM SUA VIDA?Este livro foi produzido com a intenção de estimular a verdadeira e mais completa felicidade, a mesma se manifesta através de três estruturas humanas, que são: Alma, Espírito e Corpo. C...

    11,33 €

  • Clubfoot Connections
    Royal Dragonfly Book Award Winner for Special Needs/Disability AwarenessWondering what the clubfoot journey is like?There’s not just one answer: each individual has a unique story to tell. Clubfoot Connections collects 23 perspectives from people of all ages with a variety of backgrounds. They share, in their own words, their personal and emotional clubfoot experiences.This boo...

    12,40 €

  • Crossing the Borderline
    T. R. Lilly / TRLilly
    Crossing the Borderline started out as a series of journal entries; some of which were e-mailed to T. R.’s therapist, pastor, and pastor’s wife. They encouraged her to expand these stories of advocating for her own mental and emotional health. When this book was in its infancy, T. R. thought it was going to be quite different than what it became. She started out to write a-tell...

    11,86 €

  • Songs in the Key of Love
    Kevin K. Evans / Kevin KEvans
    All my life, I have dealt with people not believing me, not believing in me and treating me like the typical man. I felt that I needed to express my true self to the world. To my family. To my friends. Let everyone know who I am and what I been through. Let them know that I am not that typical man that cheats and tell lies. I’m a completely different man. My own man. A unique m...

    16,45 €

  • It’s All in My Head
    Alfred Gremsly
    It’s All in My Head is a headfirst dive into the flood of emotions that having mental illness can bring. Millions of people worldwide suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or one of the many other issues that impact our brain chemistry. This book is a gut-wrenching look at the heartache and pain behind those personal battles. It is a glimpse behind the mirror and i...

    11,24 €

  • A Voice From Heaven
    Alexander V Girman / Cynthia J Girman
    Astonishing account of a departed son’s journey and mind-blowing revelations about life after death.When Cindy Girman got the news that her 22-year-old son had died from an overdose, the shock and grief consumed her like she herself was on the precipice of death. Weeks turned into months of agonizing questions over where exactly her beloved Alec’s soul had gone and worry that h...

    18,11 €

  • Even Now I Know
    Dr. Michael Bullock
    Are you feeling lost and alone in grief?According to the CDC, approximately 1 in 100 pregnancies that survive twenty weeks or longer is affected by stillbirth. Grief can send you into a downward spiral if not held in check.Even Now I Know is a vivid picture of a family of faith navigating through a myriad of emotions, challenges, heartache, and frustration. In it, Dr. Michael B...

    16,67 €

  • Even Now I Know
    Dr. Michael Bullock
    Are you feeling lost and alone in grief?According to the CDC, approximately 1 in 100 pregnancies that survive twenty weeks or longer is affected by stillbirth. Grief can send you into a downward spiral if not held in check.Even Now I Know is a vivid picture of a family of faith navigating through a myriad of emotions, challenges, heartache, and frustration. In it, Dr. Michael B...

    11,95 €

  • A Walk in My Shoes
    Christopher Gajewski
    After almost taking my life, I decided to start talking and keep talking. It’s a long story, all contained in my podcast and website--and now in this book. After 51 years, I decided to stop living a life of quiet desperation. I chose to live it out loud, and maybe help others do the same. So, I started talking and ask others to do the same. --and start listening. I want to chal...

    19,66 €

  • Blind Without Barriers
    David Hume / Peter R Murray
    Sent blind soon after birth David Hume stubbornly refused to live the limited life well-meaning elders and social norms expected. ’I do not wake in the morning and regret I’m blind. No, I wake and look to another win in a busy life.’ To date, that encompasses years in a blind institute, two marriages, grieving for two outstanding wives, founding recruiting firms, devising marke...

    22,19 €

  • Addicts Anonymous
    Jim Rachels
    In this gripping book, Jim takes us on a deeply personal journey of triumph over adversity. From a childhood marred by abuse and abandonment to a life consumed by addiction and despair, Jim’s story is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for resilience and redemption.Jim’s descent into addiction was a desperate attempt to numb the pain of his fractured past. As he spirale...

    35,35 €

  • Your Family’s Essential Resource Workbook
    Eleonore D Weber
    Do You Want to Give Peace of Mind to Your Family?Do You Want to Ensure that Your Desires and Wishes Are Clear and Followed?If your answer is YES, then Your Family’s Essential Resource Workbook: How to Gather and Organize Valuable Documents is the user-friendly guide you’ve been looking for. It’s a quick reference for both non-life-threatening situations and when death occurs. I...

    39,52 €

  • Loving Someone with Suicidal Thoughts
    Stacey Freedenthal
    If you have a loved one who is experiencing suicidal thoughts, you may feel deeply afraid-both of loss and of saying the wrong thing and making matters worse. Based on decades of clinical experience in suicidology, this compassionate guide gives readers the essential communication techniques and coping skills they need to support a loved one in crisis, while also taking care of...

    37,94 €

  • Bob is a C$#t
    G.M. McBain / Maximilian Kidd
    My name is Gary, and I am one of the many people who suffer from the debilitating condition known as depression. Ever felt like the world’s biggest loser? That no one likes you and you have no friends? That you are nothing but an outsider and outcast? That everything you ever say or do will never be good enough? That no matter how hard you try the world will always be against y...

    19,65 €

  • Sunlight on Shards
    Bernadette Rymer / Thérèse Curtis
    In 1969, Naomi Morrisey, the sixth of eleven children raised in a traditional Australian Catholic family, became pregnant at age 19. In order to hide their shame, her parents uprooted their family and moved to Canada for six months, where Naomi was placed in a home for unmarried mothers. After being forced to relinquish her baby for adoption, the family returned to Australia as...

    20,59 €

  • Consolations
    Seneca / Stewart Aubrey
    'Death is a release from and an end of all pains: beyond it our sufferings cannot extend: it restores us to the peaceful rest in which we lay before we were born.'Dealing mainly with the themes of death and suffering, Seneca makes philosophy appear here as a form of therapy, Stoic introspection allowing to find meaning in the most painful situations. Therefore it is essential t...

    12,55 €

  • Abrazando el Poder de Perdón
    Sherry Harris
    Abrazar el poder del perdón 'es una historia real convincente e inspiradora del viaje de una mujer desde la angustia hasta la curación. A raíz de una pérdida devastadora, cuando su madre es víctima de un acto de violencia sin sentido, enfrenta un dolor y una pena inimaginables. Sin embargo, a través del poder de su fe, descubre la fuerza transformadora del perdón. ...

    17,33 €

  • ¡Ánimo! Te quiero y estoy contigo
    Grete Books
    ¿Tienes un amigo, amiga o ser querido pasando por una mala racha? Entonces, este es el libro-regalo que le hará saber que no está solo y cómo volver a levantar el vuelo. Lleno de color, positividad y buenos consejos, este libro será como un compañero en el que podrá apoyarse cuando las cosas no van tan bien como uno quisiera.75 ideas sencillas y eficaces que le ayudarán a ver l...

    16,00 €

  • An Obesity of Grief
    Lynn Haraldson
    Nineteen years old with an eleven-day-old baby, Lynn Haraldson’s world shatters when her husband, Bruce, is killed in a tractor-train collision.She clings to the myth that time will heal her pain, but unacknowledged trauma informs many of her decisions, including an unplanned pregnancy and remaining in an abusive relationship. After two failed marriages and gaining and losing m...

    23,49 €

  • An Obesity of Grief
    Lynn Haraldson
    Nineteen years old with an eleven-day-old baby, Lynn Haraldson’s world shatters when her husband, Bruce, is killed in a tractor-train collision.She clings to the myth that time will heal her pain, but unacknowledged trauma informs many of her decisions, including an unplanned pregnancy and remaining in an abusive relationship. After two failed marriages and gaining and losing m...

    17,46 €

  • Descubre una nueva perspectiva del duelo y la pérdida
    Alejandro Ciriza Montemayor
    ¡Prepárate para descubrir una guía transformadora que desmentirá los mitos más comunes del duelo por la pérdida de un ser querido!  Conmovedor y lleno de perspectivas reveladoras, este libro práctico te brindará una nueva comprensión del proceso de duelo y te guiará hacia la paz interior que tanto anhelas. Prepárate para saber por qué creencias como estas son erróneas:"El tiemp...

    12,18 €