Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11535)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Pais & Filhos
    Sara Michele Lambert Et Al.
    Em um mundo altamente acelerado, onde as demandas e desafios diários parecem inesgotáveis epodem facilmente nos afastar uns dos outros, é indispensável lembrar-nos da necessidade de nutrir e fortalecer os laços com os nossos filhos.Nas páginas deste livro, mergulharemos neste tema essencial da vida humana: a conexão vital da paternidade e maternidade e a sua importância no dese...

    16,14 €

  • Dear John
    Marcia Byars Willett
    What happens when death interrupts your best-laid plans? When John dies, Marcia is left alone to face a future of altered dreams, with no idea what that future holds. She begins writing frank, funny, and intimate letters to John, releasing all her pent-up emotions, striving to start over at age 65, and wondering-is there life after death? ...

    20,24 €

  • Fascination with the Devil
    Dina L. McMillan
    Fascination with the Devil is a groundbreaking solution guide for women who fear - or know - they have bad taste in men. It offers simple advice to help you change the type of man you desire. Even better, it offers key tips to help you attract a healthier and more loving romantic partner. Maybe you’re still wondering if this book is for you. When you read the book title, did th...

    26,93 €

  • Sum of a Girl
    Amy Spoto
    'Amy’s story is flooded with emotion, struggle, and addictive despair, but does not drag us down, but rather in.' LeeAnne Krusemark, Author 'Love the quick, sparse, breathy voice of the narrative-very powerful and emotional...I felt this great sense of expansion and hope. Honestly, I could feel this physically.' Laurie Chittenden, Editor  Love and loss dance with an undercurre...

    11,68 €

  • Facing Death
    Brad Stuart
    Healing and Spiritual Awakening  The end of life is the most challenging mystery you will ever face. Whether you’re wrestling with serious illness, working as a medical professional, or just yearning to experience the eternal, trying to reconcile science and spirituality to the reality of death often raises more questions than answers. After more than a half-century of treating...

    18,51 €

  • Facing Death
    Brad Stuart
    Healing and Spiritual Awakening  The end of life is the most challenging mystery you will ever face. Whether you’re wrestling with serious illness, working as a medical professional, or just yearning to experience the eternal, trying to reconcile science and spirituality to the reality of death often raises more questions than answers.After more than a half-century of treating ...

    13,09 €

  • De Mulher Pra Mulher
    Sara Michele Lambert
    A mulher que conquista mais consciência sobre seus próprios pontos fortes ganha, essencialmente, a oportunidade de utilizá-los a seu favor. Por outro lado, conhece também suas próprias limitações e tem a chance de modificá-las. Ela consegue estabelecer melhor suas prioridades, sem se perder em meio às cobranças e expectativas que ainda lhe são direcionadas. E, por fim, consegue...

    17,27 €

    Cammie Reed / Karel Murray
    Loss can create overpowering emotions. Emotions happen, but they don’t have to rule our lives. When Emotions Run Rampant helps you figure out what you need to release from your life. Join authors Karel Murray and Cammie Reed as they take you on a life-changing journey towards resilience, healing, and the creation of a new normal. This book is a groundbreaking exploration of gri...

    19,00 €

    J. M. Murray
    The act of suicide, and the energy consumed throughout the mental health battle leading to and undertaking the act itself, requires a near unfathomable and inexplicable combination of courage and cowardice.For a huge portion of my existence, I accepted that death by suicide for me was inevitable. It was never a question of if, just when.It has taken decades for me to realise th...

    18,37 €

  • For Women
    Milton Thomas
    In this compelling and empowering guide, Milton Thomas III takes you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth. Drawing from his own experiences and deep understanding of the human psyche, he provides invaluable insights and practical tools to help women break free from the grip of bad boys and reclaim their power.Through heartfelt anecdotes...

    16,87 €

  • Admirável
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Uma inquietação aparece, acintosamente, do fundo da alma. A velha alma, então, é mobilizada pelo desejo de aprender, fazendo corpo e mente experienciar.Vive-se num campo de batalhas de si mesmo!ESTE LIVRO É DEDICADOà Geração C que estará reinventando o trabalho. Num mundo digital, dia e noite online, a Geração C é explicada com 4 Cs: Curadoria, Conexão, Comunidade e Criação. Es...

    9,24 €

  • Growth Through Grief
    Ric Hart
    Ric Hart shares his journey from day one of loss, up to a point he never thought he would get too, a milestone that felt a million miles away, Hugo starting school. This book is a representation that there is always Hope through Deep Grief and Grief, we just have to think differently physically and mentally, and positive change is inevitable. Ric Hart shares his emotions and th...

    21,39 €

  • As Portas São Infinitas
    Marinalva Soares Rios Melo
    Reprograme as suas metasCaro leitor,Ao longo da vida contamos com uma infinidade de portas ao nosso caminho, esperando para serem abertas, e todas elas têm uma lição para nos ensinar: precisamos acreditar na nossa força, no nosso potencial e sabedoria para identificarmos a hora certa de iniciar ou não uma ação, se não agirmos assim devemos evitar as lamentações e não culpar as ...

    11,80 €

  • Corpo Magro E Saudável
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Este plano natural que aprendi em minha formação em Naturologia, que recentemente pesquisei em campo e adaptei para mim, é um estilo de vida.Por ser eficaz e simples, na prática, é alcançável por todos. Não agride o corpo e não afeta negativamente a saúde. Por isso, quando aplicado em sua totalidade, alcançar o sucesso é questão de pouco tempo.Funcionou perfeitamente, sempre, p...

    8,43 €

  • Mental Health
    D.E. Attar
    D.E. Attar was like many people now: confused, struggling, masking pain, coping, and just getting by.But her encounter with God helped her see that His way is different. Through stories, scriptures, encouragement, and journalling prompts, Mental Health: God’s Way is a valuable companion on the path to wholeness. It starts with knowing Jesus Christ and living His way. Founded on...

    17,18 €

  • Insight Out Psychotherapy
    Steven H. Berman
    ’Insight out’ psychotherapy takes you into the world of paradoxical interventions as a unique way to help the criminally insane, severely mentally ill, and even outpatients.  These interventions are more than just reverse psychology. They involve twisted, seemingly irrational ways to address psychosis, personality disorders, and other mental health diagnoses for the specific pu...

    32,10 €

  • Insight Out Psychotherapy
    Steven H. Berman
    ’Insight out’ psychotherapy takes you into the world of paradoxical interventions as a unique way to help the criminally insane, severely mentally ill, and even outpatients.  These interventions are more than just reverse psychology. They involve twisted, seemingly irrational ways to address psychosis, personality disorders, and other mental health diagnoses for the specific pu...

    37,28 €

  • Food Addiction
    Judith Martin
    If you want to stop binge eating and overeating to improve your life and health your body, then keep reading. Binge eating disorder is a very common disorder that affects people regardless of their age, ethnicity, or gender.  Struggling with binge eating can be extremely hard and it’s important don’t feel alone. The main cause of binge eating is connected to negative emotions s...

    16,36 €

  • A Dança Da Mãe Divina Nos Céus Dos Corações
    Dalton Campos Roque
    EmA Dança da Mãe Divina nos Céus dos Corações , o renomado autor Dalton Campos Roque, em parceria com sua esposa Andréa Lúcia, mergulha nas profundezas do universalismo de livre pensador. Nesta obra inspiradora, o autor revela seu conhecimento como médium, sensitivo e pesquisador da consciência e dos desdobramentos parapsíquicos.Com uma fusão única de práticas, orações, evocaçõ...

    17,26 €

  • Beyond Sober
    Laura Lee Wright
    'Beyond Sober: You Put Down the Booze, Now What?' is a must-read for anyone who has recently made the decision to stop drinking and is looking for practical tips and strategies to help them stay sober. Written by a woman in recovery who has dedicated over 25,000 hours to researching and speaking with successfully sober people, this book offers a wealth of real-world strategies ...

    29,80 €

  • How to Preach for a Funeral
    Stephen K Preus
    This booklet intends to aid preachers in the sacred task of being as clear as possible when preaching funeral sermons. When pastors do not preach certain topics clearly, their ambiguity can become an invitation for hearers to fill the vacuum with unscriptural ideas that supplant the divine truth. Drawing from his own pastoral experience and from conversations with other pastors...

    3,98 €

  • The Addict’s Guide to Recovery
    Emily Sussman
    Breaking through shame and denial is essential for any addict who wants to recover, but no one can overcome them on their own. 'Your Addict' may have you in a stranglehold of secrecy and self-loathing right now, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a solution - and it’s called recovery.  While it may be a daunting prospect to take those first honest steps toward freedom...

    10,07 €

  • Espiritualismo Universalista
    Dalton Campos Roque
    ESPIRITUALISMO UNIVERSALISTA - Visão Geralde Dalton Campos RoquePrepare-se para uma jornada envolvente e esclarecedora pelo mundo do espiritualismo universalista. Em sua obra,ESPIRITUALISMO UNIVERSALISTA - Visão Geral , Dalton Campos Roque oferece um sobrevoo completo e abrangente sobre os tópicos mais importantes dessa filosofia transformadora.Com uma abordagem baseada em perg...

    14,52 €

  • Living In A Two-Faced Jungle
    Michael Powell
    Delve into the shocking, true story-told as if the reader’s life depends on it-of Michael A. Powell’s childhood, 18 years of addiction horror stories, and an inspiring recovery journey with the help of his faith.Told as three books in one, Living In A Two-Faced Jungle recounts the tumultuous life of author Michael A. Powell. Pulling its namesake from life itself, Michael recoun...

    21,06 €

  • Living In A Two-Faced Jungle
    Michael Powell
    Delve into the shocking, true story-told as if the reader’s life depends on it-of Michael A. Powell’s childhood, 18 years of addiction horror stories, and an inspiring recovery journey with the help of his faith.Told as three books in one, Living In A Two-Faced Jungle recounts the tumultuous life of author Michael A. Powell. Pulling its namesake from life itself, Michael recoun...

    14,18 €

  • A Beautiful Soul
    Dr. Carol Carruthers / Talya Morris
    'In the heart-wrenching yet empowering journey that is ’A Beautiful Soul’, we delve into the often untold narratives of African-American women grappling with the aftermath of narcissistic abuse. This unique journal is not just a book, it’s a lifeline for those who have suffered, a beacon of hope in what can often be a confusing and painful world.Drawn from a depth of research, ...

    19,04 €

  • Visita Domiciliar Do Agente Comunitário De Saúde
    Jacqueline Valim
    Como sabemos a visita domiciliar é a principal atribuição do ACS. Você está preparado/a para realizá-la, de acordo com as orientações da PNAB/2017?Recebe (ou já recebeu) treinamento adequado para realizar as suas visitas domiciliares, a fim de conhecer as adversidades do território, as diversas realidades, problemas de saúde e sociais dos pacientes e suas famílias?Imagina como ...

    9,26 €

    This book is a true account of my experiences leading up to, and following, the tragic deaths of my wife and daughter, Khabi and KaRa, after an arson attack on our home, by a neighbour struggling with paranoid schizophrenia.It highlights the fall-out and the effects of losing someone in such a shocking manner.It also details the amazing evidence that has proved to me that ther...

    22,92 €

  • Recovery from Food and Other Addictions
    Joanne DiCesare
    Joanne starved herself for years to numb her feelings and became anorexic.Then, in an attempt to restore her health, she began compulsive binge eating to fill the overwhelming emptiness in her heart and soul. She binged and purged, which led to obesity and the further decline of her health. Follow her secret three-decade journey of eating disorders that ruined her relationships...

    15,66 €

  • Once Upon a Dime
    Monica L Morrissey
    Going through the grief of losing someone can be one of the hardest things anyone can experience. It can shatter our world and make it feel like they are gone forever. Have you ever wondered if you could receive a message from someone who is no longer with you? What if you were able to connect and feel overwhelming love from beyond? Before my father died, we found his old coin ...

    11,96 €