Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11724)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Curación de La Dependencia Emocional
    Leonardo Tavares
    La dependencia emocional es un tema que toca muchas vidas de manera profunda. Nuestras relaciones, nuestras elecciones y nuestra propia percepción de nosotros mismos pueden verse afectadas por patrones de dependencia que a menudo son difíciles de comprender y superar.Sin embargo, este libro no solo trata sobre los desafíos, sino también sobre las posibilidades de transformación...

    18,21 €

  • Flügel der Engel und andere Geschichten
    Aldivan Torres
    Die Flügel der Engel kommen, um uns Texte zu präsentieren, die uns inspirieren, uns bewegen und uns mit vielen wichtigen Überlegungen vor Augen führen. Es sind wertvolle Texte, die uns von Anfang bis Ende in der fantastischen Handlung des Lebens binden.                Es lohnt sich, in diese Welt der Weisheit einzutreten, die ich vorschlage. Ein großes Wissen überflutet dich au...

    15,40 €

  • 121 Ways Jesus Was There for Me
    JoAnn Place
    Follow the raw and real journey of a young girl as she grows into a woman with unshakable faith while her mom was in the grip of alcoholism. From beloved daughter to scapegoat and verbally abused to separation to caretaker to beloved daughter again. Without Jesus, she would not have lived to share her story. It’s not the worst story; unfortunately, many have it far worse, but i...

    17,88 €

  • Emagrecer E Magra Ser.
    Cristina Alves Caleffi
    Este livro foi criado com o intuito de ajudar você mulher, que já tentou por várias vezes um emagrecimento eficaz e duradouro, mas em todas as tentativas que realizou, não teve sucesso. E isso é muito frustrante e faz a gente desistir de tentar, não é mesmo?Aqui neste livro eu te mostro o caminho que você deve seguir e como, mesmo sozinha, alcançar seu objetivo de emagrecimento...

    13,57 €

  • Fibromialgia
    Rebeca Noag
    Fibromialgia: O caminho do diagnóstico à remissão é uma obra com 5 partes, onde a autora passa pela sua biografia, conta sobre o diagnóstico da doença e transita pelo caminho até chegar à remissão. No livro, você encontrará informações sobre os tratamentos realizados pela autora e diversos exercícios que você deverá realizar para alcançar a tão sonha remissão. A autora não prom...

    16,82 €

  • Deabruekin Aurre Egitea
    Tracilyn George
    Zuk edo pertsona maite batek gaixotasun mental bat daukazu? Inoiz galdetu al zaizu zer egin dezakezun laguntzeko? Liburu hau zure erantzuna da! Depresioa guztiz ulertzeko, arretaz eta arretaz entzun behar dituzu kaltetuta gaudenoi.Garrantzitsua da buruko gaixotasuna duen edonork adeitasunez, errespetuz eta duintasunez tratatzea, ez estigma, alborapen eta mespretxuz, norberaren ...

    15,29 €

  • Pressing RESET for Dynamic Hips
    Dan TBD / Original Strength
    Having efficient hips is necessary for a healthy, dynamic life. We need our hips functioning well to walk, pick up our kids, care for our pets, run, and even throw a ball. Most of us do not experience a variety of movement in our daily lives. Thus we begin to lose our natural birthright of dynamic movement. This booklet will introduce the reader to simple movements and concepts...

    3,75 €

  • The Art of Living
    Jhon Cauich
    The Art of Living: A Guide to Overcoming Depression, Stress, and Anxiety is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. It provides practical advice and guidance on how to manage mental health issues and cultivate a life of peace and happiness. With its easy to understand language and step-by-step approach, this book is sure to be a valuabl...

    10,49 €

  • The Hope Recovery Devotional
    Greg Schmalhofer
    The Hope Recovery Devotional (Large Print Edition) is a 100 day devotional to help you be successful in recovery and to help you grow in your faith. Regardless of where you are in your recovery, whether you are at one day, one year, or many years, this devotional shares the powerful message that there is always hope with God and that you can indeed be successful in recovery. Ea...

    12,95 €

  • Ansiedade S.A.
    Leonardo Tavares
    'Ansiedade S.A.' é um convite para adentrar os corredores complexos do nosso mundo interior, onde a ansiedade se manifesta como um intrincado quebra-cabeça de emoções, pensamentos e sensações. É aqui que começamos a desvendar o tecido dessa experiência humana universal, oferecendo não apenas entendimento, mas estratégias tangíveis para domar esse turbilhão emocional. Imagine es...

    16,49 €

  • Anxiety, Inc.
    Leonardo Tavares
    ’Anxiety, Inc.’ is an invitation to venture into the intricate corridors of our inner world, where anxiety manifests as an intricate puzzle of emotions, thoughts, and sensations. It is here that we begin to unravel the fabric of this universal human experience, offering not only understanding but tangible strategies to tame this emotional whirlwind.Imagine this book as a guide ...

    16,54 €

  • The Elderly Trap
    Richard D. Krause
    In a world where trust is a cherished commodity, our elderly loved ones are often the most vulnerable targets of deceit and manipulation. "The Elderly Trap" is a poignant and comprehensive exploration of the heart-wrenching world of elderly abuse and scams, based on personal experience that led to a compelling journey of discovery.The author, a man with six decades of martial a...

    14,19 €

  • Releasing the Light
    Carol Alma McPhee
    Ann FitzGerald and I had been close friends and writing partners for 27 years when Ann was diagnosed with lung cancer. Almost immediately I began to write extensively in my journal about what I feared were the last days we would spend together. As I tried to pay close attention to the options Ann had and the treatments she underwent, I was also doing my best to keep hold of wha...

    15,26 €

  • China’s Last Noble Race
    Pao Chin
    A personal journey of surviving the brutality of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spy craft. Espionage has been a part of human history for centuries. In the 21st century, it has evolved to extend into the general population with a long-game strategy.Communist spy craft has become more ingenious, using tactics such as sexpionage, money, coercion, and media propaganda. Their modern...

    23,44 €

  • I’ve Finally Lost It
    Nick Dewhurst
    When Nick Dewhurst experienced the ending of a friendship, he felt a great sense of loss and grief. With I’ve Finally Lost It, Nick takes a look at many different types of grief that often go overlooked. Many books will focus on the loss of a parent or loss of a spouse, while this book covers those topics it also dives into some very personal stories regarding the loss of a job...

    20,27 €

  • A Gerência Agradece
    Monica Marchese Balzan
    Por meio de sua experiência de mais de 20 anos no mundo empresarial, a autora vivenciou as dificuldades e necessidades deambos os lados da mesa , ou seja, do empregado e do empregador, e com isso construiu sua própria visão desse universo, compartilhada através dessa obra repleta de dicas valiosas para os futuros profissionais que ingressarão no mundo corporativo, para seus pai...

    11,39 €

  • Derrotando o Burnout
    Leonardo Tavares
    A vida moderna é como uma estrada sinuosa, repleta de encruzilhadas e curvas apertadas. À medida que avançamos em nossas carreiras, buscamos transformar nossos sonhos em realidade e nutrir relacionamentos significativos, corremos o risco de nos deparar com uma ameaça silenciosa, um abismo chamado burnout.'Derrotando o Burnout' é uma experiência profundamente humana, uma travess...

    12,03 €

  • Burnout Survivor
    Leonardo Tavares
    Modern life is like a winding road, full of crossroads and hairpin turns. As we navigate our careers, pursue our dreams, and nurture meaningful relationships, we risk encountering a silent threat, a chasm called burnout. 'Burnout Survivor' is a deeply human experience, a journey through the complexities of this increasingly prevalent condition, which does not discriminate on th...

    12,04 €

  • Derrotando el Burnout
    Leonardo Tavares
    La vida moderna es como un camino sinuoso, lleno de encrucijadas y curvas cerradas. A medida que avanzamos en nuestras carreras, buscamos hacer realidad nuestros sueños y nutrir relaciones significativas, corremos el riesgo de enfrentarnos a una amenaza silenciosa, un abismo llamado burnout. 'Derrotando el Burnout' es una experiencia profundamente humana, un viaje por las compl...

    12,01 €

  • Patient Z
    Stefan Franzen
    The criminalization of opioid medications has made it all but impossible for pain patients to receive adequate treatment in the United States for more than one hundred years. In 1996, the pain medicine community of doctors attempted to expand the treatment to include patients with severe pain from diseases other than cancer or sickle cell disease. This movement of compassionate...

    18,61 €

  • Patient Z
    Stefan Franzen
    The criminalization of opioid medications has made it all but impossible for pain patients to receive adequate treatment in the United States for more than one hundred years. In 1996, the pain medicine community of doctors attempted to expand the treatment to include patients with severe pain from diseases other than cancer or sickle cell disease. This movement of compassionate...

    25,55 €

  • Dinheirofobia
    Paulo Costa
    Dinheirofobia é um distúrbio de comportamento que se manifesta pelo medo de ter, perder ou ganhar dinheiro.Um fenômeno avassalador que tem impedido milhões de pessoas no mundo todo de alcançarem uma vida digna, financeiramente independente e emocionalmente forte.A maioria das pessoas mantém comportamentos limitantes e bloqueadores mentais, que as impedem de ir além da fronteira...

    10,40 €

  • Hope Through Sorrow
    Julie Larsen
    Our Lady of Sorrows is the patroness of our book. This book is written to help Catholic mothers/parents work through grief related to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. Our little book covers information about vanishing twin syndrome for instance. We go through each sorrow of Our Lady in this booklet. We are sorry for your loss. Thank you for reading our book.  ...

    25,18 €

  • Rollercoaster Ride
    Jo Woodhouse
    This book of poems shares my raw, personal journey dealing with the loss of suicide. It’s a difficult journey to understand for those who have never walked it, and shows how the aftershocks continue to echo through the course of life. It’s an unwanted path as I try to heal from something I had no choice in. I also share the path of trying to heal with further curveballs in life...

    14,74 €

  • Combatiendo la Depresión
    Leonardo Tavares / realleotavares
    'Combatiendo la Depresión' no es solo un libro; es un viaje compartido entre autor y lector, entre aquellos que luchan y aquellos que se unen para apoyar. Está moldeado por la experiencia humana, por los altibajos y por la búsqueda incesante de la luz al final del túnel. A lo largo de las páginas de este libro, nos sumergiremos en estrategias de autocuidado, en el poder de las ...

    18,32 €

  • Sobreviviendo al Duelo
    Leonardo Tavares / realleotavares
    Esta es una lectura indispensable para todos aquellos que han perdido a un ser querido. La pérdida de alguien importante puede ser una de las experiencias más difíciles de la vida. El duelo es una respuesta natural y saludable a esta pérdida, pero puede ser un proceso muy doloroso y desafiante. En 'Sobreviviendo al Duelo', exploraremos juntos los diferentes aspectos del proceso...

    9,92 €

  • Confronting the Abyss of Depression
    Leonardo Tavares / realleotavares
    'Confronting the Abyss of Depression' is not just a book; it is a shared journey between author and reader, between those who struggle and those who unite to support. It is shaped by the human experience, the ups and downs, and the relentless search for the light at the end of the tunnel.Throughout the pages of this book, we will dive into self-care strategies, the power of int...

    18,39 €

  • Sobrevivendo ao Luto
    Leonardo Tavares / realleotavares
    Essa é a leitura obrigatória para todos aqueles que perderam um ente querido.A perda de alguém importante pode ser uma das experiências mais difíceis da vida. O luto é uma resposta natural e saudável a essa perda, mas pode ser um processo muito doloroso e desafiador.Em 'Sobrevivendo ao Luto', vamos explorar juntos os diferentes aspectos do processo de luto e como lidar com ele ...

    9,91 €

  • Combatendo a Depressão
    Leonardo Tavares / realleotavares
    'Combatendo a Depressão' não é apenas um livro; é uma jornada compartilhada entre autor e leitor, entre aqueles que lutam e aqueles que se unem para apoiar. Ele é moldado pela experiência humana, pelos altos e baixos, e pela busca incessante pela luz no fim do túnel. Ao longo das páginas deste livro, mergulharemos em estratégias de autocuidado, no poder das relações interpessoa...

    18,38 €

  • Surviving Grief
    Leonardo Tavares
    This is an essential read for all those who have lost a loved one.The loss of someone dear can be one of life’s most challenging experiences. Grief is a natural and healthy response to such a loss, but it can also be an incredibly painful and demanding process.In 'Surviving Grief: The Path to Your Resurrection,' we will embark on a collective exploration of the various facets o...

    9,94 €