Género policíaco y de misterio

Ficción y temas afines / Género policíaco y de misterio (27306)

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    Tobi Nifesi
    After a long day at work, Alicia - a young wife - rushes home to prepare a meal for her wealthy husband, Chris, who has been away on a business trip for weeks. Her high hopes and excitement turns sour when she finds him lifeless on their matrimonial bed. The experience triggers her mental health issues and renders her unstable, unhinged and barely able to speak. Hidden security...

    11,51 €

  • React
    Tobi Nifesi
    React is a psychological thriller that explores how a family and group of friends deal with postvention and make sense of the loss, by suicide, of a seemingly unlikely character. ...

    12,00 €

  • The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Esprios Classics)
    Agatha Christie
    The Mysterious Affair at Styles is a detective novel by Agatha Christie. It was written in the middle of the First World War, in 1916, and first published by John Lane in the United States in October 1920 and in the United Kingdom by The Bodley Head (John Lane’s UK Company) on 21 January 1921. It was Christie’s first published novel. It introduced Hercule Poirot, Inspector (lat...

    23,68 €

  • Cynder
    Sterling Emmal
    In my college writing class I was told to write a modern day Cinderella story. I was not looking forward to it because I hate writing happy stuff. I pull my creativity from a place of pain not a butterflies and rainbows sort of place, and I do not believe in happy endings. Then I learned that I could use my own style and put my own twist on this cliché story, so this is it, thi...

    5,34 €

  • Candidates, Cartel, and Chaos
    Sterling Emmal
    2020 was supposed to be such an easy election year for the United States. The current sitting President, Victor Jaimason, was running unopposed for re-election, and he was expecting it to stay that way.The Speaker of the House, Scott Redwinn, had the perfect life with his wife Savanna. He was actually rather close with the president. It never crossed his mind that he would step...

    12,01 €

  • Coma
    Behnoud Badiei
    When you woke up in a empty city and nobody remembers you, What do you do ?! ...

    10,37 €

  • The Rise and Fall of Ecstasy
    Sterling Emmal
    For a mother, burying her children is the hardest thing in the world, especially when the caskets are empty. For Aleeha Stevens, this was the situation she was now put in. It had been six months since her children, Kay and Nicholas, had gone missing. Now the Colombian police were issuing death certificates...This is the epic conclusion to my book Candidates, Cartel, and Chaos. ...

    9,55 €

  • Death at Dawn
    Coleman Henry
    This book is packed with a mind-blowing plot twist that would probably not happen and this book has some violence. ...

    18,86 €

  • The Gods Have Smiled
    Georgina Antoinette
    As Helena and Dimitris become serious in their relationship, more problems arise from possessing the small photo of a child, purchased as a souvenir in the first days of Helena’s vacation in Rhodes. Information continues to come from testing on the photo at the University, with Stefano’s help. Helena is warned again about the danger, but now they know how dangerous it is to ask...

    20,02 €

  • Desert Magnolia
    Dedra L. Stevenson / Dedra LStevenson
    In Dedra L. Stevenson’s first work of crime and courtroom drama, Desert Magnolia takes the reader along a turbulent journey with Daniella Pierce, a small town Southern gal who ended up living as a Muslim in Dubai, happy and fulfilled, or at least she thought. Daniella, upon hearing that her father has been murdered because of a hate crime, learns that her beloved cousin has bee...

    16,16 €

  • O Teorema De Estrasburgo
    H. H. M. Mcross
    Mágoas, ódios e rancores circulam pelos corredores da renomada Universidade de Estrasburgo depois que, após 50 anos sob controle alemão, retorna às mãos da França e recebe o Congresso Internacional de Matemática de 1920. Durante o Congresso, sete matemáticos cometem suicidio em sete dias diferentes, logo após ocultamente estudarem um trabalho matemático surpreendente e misterio...

    12,50 €

  • Baltimore Blues
    Laura Lippman

    13,17 €

  • The Devil Collects
    Daniel Romero
    8 short murderous stories. I’ll give you a hint it’s violent human nature don’t try to do these things in real life. ...

    6,27 €

  • The Murders In The Rue Morgue
    Edgar Allan Poe
    'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham’s Magazine in 1841. It has been described as the first modern detective story; Poe referred to it as one of his 'tales of ratiocination'.C. Auguste Dupin is a man in Paris who solves the mystery of the brutal murder of two women. Numerous witnesses heard a suspect, though no one agrees on wh...

    10,18 €

  • Black7
    M. P. Demi
    Alfa é um ex-soldado assombrado por seus traumas do exército. É líder da temida facção Black7, quer deixar o crime e encontrar um substituto para seu posto, mas enfrenta um desafio inesperado quando seu território principal é tomado pela impiedosa facção inimiga, liderada por um novo inimigo, conhecido como Pinduca. Agora, ele se vê forçado a uma busca desesperada para recupera...

    56,26 €

  • The Dead Alive
    Wilkie Collins
    'The Dead Alive' is a novella written by Wilkie Collins, a renowned English novelist and playwright of the 19th century. This work was first serialized in 1874 in the magazine 'The New Monthly Magazine' before being published as a book. The novella is also known by the title 'John Jago’s Ghost; or, The Dead Alive.' The plot revolves around a young man named John Jago, who works...

    8,14 €

  • El asesino del 9
    Concepción Sánchez Labrador
    No disfruta matando, no las daña, no las hace sufrir. Ni siquiera las toca. Solo quiere enseñar a esas menores cómo deben comportarse.La subinspectora, Jana Balmes, recibe una llamada anónima. Un hombre con voz distorsionada la reta a que lo detenga antes del fi n de semana; solo así podrá evitar que aparezcan otras dos niñas muertas. Ella teme que sea el mismo asesino que, doc...

    19,00 €

  • The Crime Of The Boulevard
    Jules Claretie
    'The Crime of the Boulevard' (French title: 'Le Crime de Boulevard') is a novel written by Jules Claretie, a French author and literary figure. The book was originally published in 1903. The story revolves around a crime that takes place on a boulevard in Paris, capturing the essence of the city during the Belle Époque era. The plot likely involves a combination of mystery, int...

    14,37 €

  • Zombie
    Joyce Carol Oates
    Meet Quentin P. He is a problem for his professor father and his loving mother, though of course they do not believe the charge of sexual molestation of a minor that got him in that bit of trouble.He is a challenge for his court-appointed psychiatrist, who nonetheless is encouraged by the increasingly affirmative quality of his dreams and his openness in discussing them.He is a...

    14,01 €

  • No hay arrepentimiento sin pecado
    J. Carlos Prieto
    Todo empieza con dos acontecimientos que derrumban toda una vida, a partir de este momento empieza una exploración de sentimientos reprimidos por una vida demasiado acomodada, como el odio o la venganza. ¿Qué se siente al matar por venganza o por un enfermizo deseo de justicia? Estos y otros sentimientos van apareciendo, como el amor, la amistad o el deseo de tener una vida ple...

    14,50 €

  • Hermosa Rendición
    Vanesa Osorio
    ¿Se puede escapar de las garras del pasado? ¿Se puede huir del monstruo que rompió tu corazón y que intenta encontrarte solo para hacer cenizas los trozos que aún te quedan?Anastasia Evans conoce el dolor mejor que nadie: destruyeron su vida, acabaron con su inocencia, desmembraron su alma siendo solo una adolescente. Pero ya no quiere huir, está cansada de hacerlo, ahora quier...

    24,22 €

  • City of Red
    C.A. Love
    In 1967, Cold Harbor City, men shrouded in black murder the Scarlatti family. Detective Oscar Royal witnesses one of the massacres while on stakeout. In doing so, Oscar finds himself in the middle of a blood feud dating back to the 1700’s and the very founding of his city. Faced with the desire to bring justice, Oscar must accept his city is already lost before it’s too late. W...

    10,91 €

  • Brio Barle
    Luis Ropero
    La exclusiva agencia europea Brio, cuyas actividades de inteligencia y experimentación son indisociables, ha detectado una brecha en su delegación española. Brio España ha actualizado y dado un impulso definitivo a un antiguo producto en desuso, el Barle, que se aplica en modo loción facial y duplica el rendimiento físico y mental. La intrusión rusa en la red de Brio para usurp...

    19,00 €

  • La Fraternidad de los Ingenuos
    Luis J. Pérez Puig
    Una serie de crímenes terribles con idéntico patrón de ejecución y, sin embargo, considerable distancia en el tiempo, logran poner en jaque a la Policía de varios países. Solo un advenedizo en la materia, movido por la impotencia y la frustración que provoca la injusticia, se verá inmerso en un complejo submundo de mentiras y secretos guardados celosamente, cuyo único fin es el...

    22,00 €

  • Águila Ciega
    Josh Landon
    La mejor negociadora del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York, Janet Strait, recibe los resultados nada alentadores de su último examen de salud poco antes de que un hotel de la ciudad sea destrozado por una bomba y el responsable del atentado secuestre al presidente de la nación.Janet debe lidiar con problemas de alcohol y autoestima, además de la posibilidad de perder la cus...

    18,72 €

  • Não Pedi Para Nascer
    Ivanildo Soares Miranda
    Aqui será relatada a história verídica da vida de um traficante de drogas, um ser humano, de carne e osso, com mãe, pai, família, desde a sua concepção, à sua árdua sobrevivência quando criança em um contexto social miserável, de quase impossível tradução em palavras do cenário ao qual sobrevive até a sua trajetória da iniciação ao cargo de gerente de uma boca de fumo em uma co...

    18,78 €

  • Otro accidente en Asturias
    Michael Featherstone
    Después de su salida (huida) de Donostia, hace ya un año, el americano expatriado Michael Llewellyn ha rehecho su vida en Gijón, la ciudad más grande de Asturias. Allí lleva una vida tranquila, trabajando en una escuela de surf y otra de idiomas para poder vivir en Cimadevilla; el barrio más antiguo de la ciudad. Un cadáver regurgitado por el mar guarda relación con una de sus ...

    18,00 €

  • PATNYA. Las crónicas extraordinarias de Dionisio Aguado.
    Pedro Navarro Esteban
    El célebre historiador Dionisio Aguado recibe el encargo más extraño que jamás le hayan formulado en su carrera. El director del diario Línea le propone que escriba una sección en el periódico dedicada a los sucesos más escalofriantes que han sucedido en la provincia de Murcia a lo largo de la historia y que han permanecido ocultos, algunos de ellos deliberadamente, durante sig...

    17,99 €

  • Violoncelo
    Ronald Lana Lins Peixoto
    Duas vidas e um mundo à beira do colapso. João e Maria, unidos pelo destino, encontram no poder do violoncelo uma esperança. Enquanto enfrentam seus próprios demônios, descobrem uma conexão profunda através da música. Com a iminente catástrofe mundial se aproximando, eles embarcam em uma jornada para executar uma composição épica, desafiando o destino e suas próprias histórias ...

    9,58 €

  • La edad en el tiempo
    José Ramón Sales
    Estamos ante una obra fascinante dentro de la literatura contemporánea española, y concretamente en el género de la ciencia ficción.La utopía que nos presenta la novela, ambientada en España, en la ciudad de Valencia, destila inusual realismo gracias a la ardua labor de investigación de su autor, capaz de hacernos ver un futuro al que no podríamos acceder de forma natural.Siglo...

    20,00 €