Cosmología y el universo

Matemáticas y ciencia / Astronomía, espacio y tiempo / Cosmología y el universo (742)

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  • Ciência Psicósmica
    Alder D’pass
    O livro é uma apologia da ciência Psicósmica a Psicosmologia, a ciência do conhecimento metafísico psíquico-espiritual. ...

    24,12 €

  • Astronomy 2e (hardcover, full color)
    Andrew Fraknoi / David Morrison / Sidney Wolff
    Original Release Date: March 2022. Printed Color.Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Astronomy 2e is written in clear non-technical language, with the occasional touch of humor and a wide range of clarifying illustrations. It has many analogies drawn from everyday life to help non-science majors appreciate, on their own terms, what our modern exploration of ...

    153,54 €

  • The Description of Creation
    The Unknown
    Have you ever wondered what happened before the Big Bang? Astronomers haven’t even considered this before a possibility. I’ve written a story that imagines the seed of creation, beginning with the origins of energy and how it can be used to establish the outline of your universe. Begin your journey here to gain a new perspective on life. ...

    5,81 €

    Tamer Kutdoga
    ALLAH’a yönelen insan erdemli (AHLAK), erdemli insan adaletli (ADALET) olur ve adil insan dünyada BARIŞI sağlar. Barışan insan yine ALLAH’a kavuşur. Bu zincir kırılırsa dünyanın sonu gelir. Çünkü Evrendeki Astral ve Atomik teraziden önce Allah cc. yarattığı zıtlıklardan sonra bu zıtlıklar arasında uyum, uzlaşma ve BARIŞ olur ve insanlar buna karşı hareket edemez. Huzur göze güz...

    56,40 €

  • Astronomy 2e (paperback, b&w)
    Andrew Fraknoi / David Morrison / Sidney Wolff
    Original Release Date: March 2022. Printed in black & white.Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Astronomy 2e is written in clear non-technical language, with the occasional touch of humor and a wide range of clarifying illustrations. It has many analogies drawn from everyday life to help non-science majors appreciate, on their own terms, what our modern expl...

    61,05 €

  • Plato’s Timaeus and the Latin Tradition
    Christina Hoenig

    38,96 €

  • Universe Beyond Imagination - Game of Time
    Debasish Talukdar
    Introducing "Game of Time" - a groundbreaking new book that delves into the mysteries of time and offers a fresh perspective on our understanding of the nature of existence itself.Written by renowned physicist Debasish Talukdar, "Game of Time" offers a compelling exploration of the fundamental nature of time - how it operates, how it shapes our lives, and how it is intimately t...

    10,51 €

    Tamer Kutdoga
    A human converging to ALLAH becomes virtuous (ETHIC) the virtuous human becomes equitable (JUSTICE), and equitable people ensure PEACE in the World. People who make peace converge to ALLAH again. If this chain breaks, the world will come to an end. Because, before the Astral and Atomic scale in the Universe, Allah cc. after the contrasts it creates then there is harmony, agreem...

    42,39 €

  • Cosmology and Biology in Ancient Philosophy
    Ricardo Salles

    39,09 €

  • Cosmology for a Newbie
    Hiten Shelar
    ARE WE SURROUNDED BY SOME KIND OF SPACETIME HORIZON? We are unable to witness a part of the universe. The boundary that separates us from this part of the universe is the ’Cosmological Horizon’. Anything that lies beyond our Cosmological horizon, cannot influence us in any way, not even by gravity. The world outside that just seems unreal. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE CREATE A HORIZON A...

    11,89 €

  • Biblical Cosmology
    Dónal Haughey
    Since the Copernican revolution in the 16th Century, mankindhas taken on the irrevocable dogma that the Earth is a spinningspherical globe, orbiting the Sun at 66,600 mph, containedwithin a heliocentric universe.What, though, does the Bible say about this?Can Science and the Bible ever agree with each other?What was the belief the ancient people (includingthe Biblical Prophets)...

    27,21 €

  • Sonhos
    Israel Foguel
    O sonho é uma experiência que possui significados distintos se for ampliado um debate que envolva religião, ciência e cultura.Para a ciência, é uma experiência de imaginação do inconsciente durante nosso período de sono.Para Freud, os sonhos noturnos são gerados, na busca pela realização de um desejo reprimido. Recentemente, descobriu-se que até os bebês no útero têm sono REM (...

    13,07 €

  • Confronting the Enigma of Time
    John R Fanchi
    In Newton’s classical mechanics, time played the role of a monotonically increasing evolution parameter. Einstein rejected the Newtonian concept and instead identified time as the fourth coordinate of a space-time four-vector. Today, scientists are considering different concepts of time as a means of resolving incompatibilities between relativity and quantum mechanics. Some vie...

    70,91 €

  • Confronting the Enigma of Time
    John R Fanchi
    In Newton’s classical mechanics, time played the role of a monotonically increasing evolution parameter. Einstein rejected the Newtonian concept and instead identified time as the fourth coordinate of a space-time four-vector. Today, scientists are considering different concepts of time as a means of resolving incompatibilities between relativity and quantum mechanics. Some vie...

    35,38 €

  • Amen Code
    W. Iamwe / W. Iamwe Ph.D. / WIamwe Ph.D.
    VERSION: 03.2024the Amen Code bridges the gap between Jesus’ sacred teachings, mathematical insights, and the mysteries of existence, inviting readers to explore the profound depths of spirituality and knowledge of invisible things.The Amen Code is the pictorial, graphic, and mathematical representation of Jesus’ original teachings and an aid to understanding the sacred knowled...

    242,98 €

  • Astronomy 101
    Darrell Ason
    Avoid the Stargazing Pitfalls and Learn Everything You Need to Know About Astronomy Without the Complicated Mumbo Jumbo!Interested in the universe?Our solar system?How about stargazing and astronomy?If you’re nodding your head, then Astronomy 101 is the book for you! It can be really intimidating to try and learn about astronomy if you’re a beginner. There’s so much information...

    14,48 €

  • Origin on Trial
    Christopher H. A. Ting
    Do you know about the dark secrets in big evolution concerning the origin of the universe? Do you know that the Bible sets God’s signature on his creation in the beginning?Not all fields of science are created equal. Some deal with past history rather than the present. Einstein’s theory of gravity as curved spacetime is observable science. But some scientists use it with partic...

    37,25 €

  • Origin on Trial
    Christopher H. A. Ting
    Do you know about the dark secrets in big evolution concerning the origin of the universe? Do you know that the Bible sets God’s signature on his creation in the beginning?Not all fields of science are created equal. Some deal with past history rather than the present. Einstein’s theory of gravity as curved spacetime is observable science. But some scientists use it with partic...

    24,77 €

  • The Ever-Changing Moon
    Rob Bailey
    The Soviet Union shocks the world by placing a satellite in orbit and accomplishing many impressive feats high above Earth. The United States must prevent its Cold War rivals from controlling space, so President John F. Kennedy gives a transcendent challenge to the nation-land a man on the Moon by the end of the decade. NASA gathers talented engineers and astronauts to achieve ...

    15,70 €

  • Revealing the Antichrist, the Number 666, the End Of Times, and Much More
    ELHOUMI / Mo ElhoumI
    Dear Reader, I am offering you an excellent seminal work at a discounted price. How do you think we and the universe came into being? Is there life after death? What happens to us after we die? Existential questions have long eluded and baffled the world’s greatest intellectual thinkers. Even today, these questions remain a significant challenge for everyone. In this book, I as...

    57,09 €

  • Plato’s Cosmology
    Plato / Francis MacDonald Cornford
    A.E. Taylor describes Cornford’s book as 'excellent piece of work, which will be found indispensable by serious students of Plato... Of course the great interest of any new commentary on the 'Timaeus' must be in its handling of the metaphysical, astronomical and biological matter of the dialogue and Mr. Cornford’s services in connection with all these topics are eminent.' First...

    15,70 €

  • Cosmologie
    Simone Malacrida
    Ce livre présente les principaux aspects de la cosmologie tels que :le principe cosmologique, la loi de Hubble et la récession des galaxiesCosmologie newtonienne et relativisteles problèmes de planéité et d’horizon, les modèles De Sitter et Lemaitreles théories cosmologiques du Big Bang et de l’état stationnairethermodynamique cosmologique et ères cosmologiquesle rôle de la mat...

    7,54 €

  • Cosmología
    Simone Malacrida
    Este libro presenta los principales aspectos de la cosmología tales como:el principio cosmológico, la ley de Hubble y la recesión de las galaxiasCosmología newtoniana y relativistalos problemas de la planitud y el horizonte, los modelos de De Sitter y Lemaitrelas teorías cosmológicas del Big Bang y el estado estacionariotermodinámica cosmológica y eras cosmológicasel papel de l...

    7,57 €

  • The New Way - A Study in the Rise and the Establishment of a Gnostic Society - Volume 4
    Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet
    Volume 4 of The New Way is a series of twenty essays written by Thea for students and friends living in India and throughout the world. Originally presented in The Vishaal Newsletter, between 1989 and 1994, they retain an extraordinary relevance for the world today. Thea offers insights about historical and philosophical issues from a very unusual perspective. In each of her fo...

    53,35 €

  • A História Da Astronomia
    José Ruiz Watzeck
    A Astronomia é a mais antiga das ciências. Descobertas arqueológicas têm fornecido evidências de observações astronômicas entre os povos pré-históricos. Desde a antiguidade, o céu vem sendo usado como mapa, calendário e relógio. Os registros astronômicos mais antigos datam de aproximadamente 3.000 a.C. e se devem aos chineses, babilônios, assírios e egípcios. Naquele período, o...

    10,08 €

  • Cosmology
    Simone Malacrida
    This book presents the main aspects of cosmology such as:the cosmological principle, Hubble’s law and the recession of galaxiesNewtonian and relativistic cosmologythe problems of flatness and the horizon, the De Sitter and Lemaitre modelsthe cosmological theories of the Big Bang and steady statecosmological thermodynamics and cosmological erasthe role of dark matter ...

    7,51 €

  • Fisica
    Simone Malacrida
    In questo libro sono presentati i seguenti argomenti:nozioni di base sui buchi neri: collasso gravitazionale, orizzonte degli eventi, geodetichemetriche di Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom e Kerr-Newmanbuchi neri a simmetria sferica, rotanti e carichi elettricamentediagrammi di Carter-Penrose, singolarità nude e coordinate di Kruskalmeccanica dei buchi neritermodinamica dei bu...

    7,30 €

  • Fisica
    Simone Malacrida
    In questo libro sono presentati gli aspetti principali della cosmologia quali:il principio cosmologico, la legge di Hubble e la recessione delle galassiela cosmologia newtoniana e relativisticai problemi della piattezza e dell’orizzonte, i modelli di De Sitter e di Lemaitrele teorie cosmologiche del Big Bang e dello stato stazionariola termodinamica cosmologica e le ere cosmolo...

    7,51 €

  • Deus, A Origem De Tudo
    José De Oliveira
    No princípio criou Deus os céus e a terra. - Gênesis 1.1.Nos primórdios do tempo, do antes, do Eterno, escondido nas eras que antecederam a Criação, Deus proporcionou tudo que existe.De onde veio à grandiosidade do universo? Ex nihilo? (do latim do nada). Qual é a origem do universo? O que havia antes?Penso na expansão de todo o conjunto universal mantido pela gravitação, e che...

    6,91 €

  • Cosmic Image
    Petur Haldorson
    Pétur Halldórsson extends the research of the Icelandic scholar Einar Pálsson, whohad discovered the landscape features in Icelandic myths. This book reveals that allcivilised settersusedlandmarks linked to the seasonalpositions of the sun, and multiplesofcosmic numbersin the diameter of their cosmosand the borders of their centralsacredand administrative areas.Despitewide sepa...

    52,23 €