Fred Rexroad
It’s summertime in Jasper Springs! Amazingly (or not) it’s summertime in New York City where the agents of the Tanner-Dent Detective Agency are visiting Whiz’s Uncle Wilson. What could interfere with a nice city vacation? A dropped book for one thing--but not just any book. It was a Jasper Springs Library book. And ... inside it held a secret!Who would lose a Jasper Springs Library book in New York City? What was the secret? Agents M and K are hot on the trail in the Big Apple to begin solving this one. It’s there that they find the one big clue that ties everything together.But, that’s not the only thing our young heroes find. There’s no Apple Street in the Big Apple and New York City may have the best pizza in the world. But our young detectives must return home to solve the crime. They also have their biggest run-in yet with the Jasper Springs Police Department--Parents will be called! 3