The Sleep Easy Solution Book

The Sleep Easy Solution Book

Dr. Robertino Bedenian

16,26 €
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16,26 €
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If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, please read on...Did you know that sleep apnea is one of the most underrated 'diseases'?Have you been aware that millions of adults suffer from sleep apnea and don’t even know it?Did you know that there are typical symptoms of sleep apnea, but that most people would never associate those symptoms with sleep apnea?Have you been aware that sleep apnea could be treated quite effectively and that there is a highly effective form of therapy you need to apply?Has it ever occurred to you that there is an almost causal relationship between sleep disorders, sleep apnea, and snoring?Just imagine for a moment what joy of life and energy you would gain if you finally solved the 'sleep apnea issue' because then you would wake up every morning refreshed and in a good mood, and you would finally no longer have to worry about how to get through the day.Why This Book Is Different!This book is different because it is written in a simple, informative, coherent, pragmatic, and, above all, practical way, in which the promising and less promising therapy options are discussed, without concealing their side effects.In this book, you will learn...what sleep apnea is all about and what causes it, while millions of adults do not even know that they suffer from this 'disease'.what signs and symptoms point to sleep apnea that most people would never associate with sleep apnea.which form of diagnosis is best to diagnose sleep apnea.which form of therapy works, which doesn’t, and what side effects you should expect.which abnormalities in children point to sleep apnea!...and much more!If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, then this book is for you!

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