Joe Robles Jr
In this adventure, the Great Pablo P.I. takes a break from solving mysteries and prepares a great party for his Dad. His Dad has been away for eight months and Pablo wants to make his party perfect. Can Pablo make the party perfect before his Dad comes home? Find out in this special edition! "The Great Pablo P.I." is the first of a major project in partnership with Benny’s Books aimed at creating major characters of Hispanic descent in order to create more diversity and cultural awareness in the United States. Partial proceeds from the series will be donated so more books can be distributed for free to low income communities. At Benny's Books, we believe in three core values: Transparency, Professionalism, and Excitement.First, we believe in transparency. There are no CEO's from Benny's Books getting unreasonable salaries nor is there tons of overhead going into the pockets of elites. At Benny's Books, we deliver high quality literature at a reasonable price.Second, our team are all trained professionals. From the artists we work with, board of directors, officers, and the research department, we believe in delivering high quality products with minimal overhead. Our directors all have post-graduate degrees, and much of the profits go into future programs we have in store. Although at Benny's Books we enjoy the traditional format of children's books, we understand that technology is constantly involving. Soon, we'll be adding ebooks and augmented reality to engage the readers and immerse them in a unique diverse world. Our goal is simple: Shake up the industry and make diversity matter. Last, we like to create excitement in the communities. You won't catch us in high rise buildings, having others do the grunt work. You'll see us at the local bookstores, town halls, and in the community creating positive change. Many of our projects are aimed at fighting illiteracy and creating diversity in children's fiction, but soon, we're going beyond that with programs that'll be discussed in detail at the beginning of 2019. This is just the start, but be on the lookout for the official launch of Benny's Books in August of 2018.