The Essence of Life

The Essence of Life

The Essence of Life

Lisa Rogers

8,15 €
IVA incluido
Page Publishing, Inc.
Año de edición:
8,15 €
IVA incluido
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The Essence of Life is meant to be a bit of a mystery. Life as you know it holds many mysteries yet to be discovered. God inspired me to put this title of my poetry book to draw attention to what it means-the essence of life. The essence of life is all around us, drawing us closer to God Almighty, who has created us in his image. Now, I am aware that everybody has their own religious and/or spiritual beliefs, but the purpose of the title is to challenge your own beliefs. It is meant to challenge you on a deeper level of your own conscious mind. As you read my poetry book, I strongly suggest you read it at a park, sitting on a bench, with the wind flowing through your hair, or by the beach when the waves come crashing to and fro. Opening your heart and soul to what these poems mean to you will enrich your life in such a profound way. These poems will touch you in such a personal and profound way that you will surprise yourself. What is the essence of life? What will you discover about yourself by reading one or all of the poems in my poetry? God knows you will find out things about yourself and others that you did not know before. 3

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