Revolt In The Desert

Revolt In The Desert

T.E. Lawrence

15,27 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Primera Guerra Mundial
15,27 €
IVA incluido
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’Revolt in The Desert’ is a gripping first hand account of the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918.An abridged version of ’Seven Pillars of Wisdom; originally written by T.E. Lawrence after the war for his friends, it is a classic narrative of one of the most astonishing adventures of the First World War.Illustrated by original photographs; many taken by T.E.Lawrence himself.’Lawrence of Arabia’, as Lawrence became known, led the uprising with the charismatic Sherif Feisal that sounded the death knell for the Ottoman Empire and changed the geopolitics of the Middle East.Lawrence is a great writer and compelling storyteller and reveals himself to be a brilliant military strategist with a unique knowledge of the region and the Arab people.’Revolt in the Desert’ was first published in 1927 some eight years before the much lengthier ’Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ and was Lawrence’s only account of his epic exploits published for the wider reading public published before his death. The initial Seven Pillars of Wisdom edition was made available on only a limited subscription basis. R’Revolt in the Desert’ is in many ways a much accessible and more satisfying book; full of drama and intrigue, its engaging narrative will sweep you along at the heart of action in the company of some very diverse characters with Lawrence at the helm.We feel that Lawrence’s book is a stirring and exceptional account of true derring-do that deserves a new audience. 

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