Margarete Ledwez
“Past Secret Present Danger” is the story of Josh, a teenager who finds himself in the long forgotten and now secret tunnels of Niagara Falls. Horrific events from his family’s murky past are threatening to destroy his future. Will Josh’s detective skills – inherited from watching his father solve crimes – be enough help him to unravel his family’s dark past? What conspiracies led to his grandmother’s death? What dark secrets has his grandfather concealed for so many years? What’s going on at the Niagara Power Station? What deadly dangers lie ahead for Josh and his family? He wants to share his fears but who can he trust? Should he involve his friends any more than they are already involved? The decisions he makes now will impact the world around him for many years! Past and present collide in this fast moving action adventure tale set against the backdrop of one of the world’s busiest and most awe-inspiring tourist attractions.