Robin Ginther Venneri
Lughnasadh Guide is your go-to source for celebrations and correspondence during the Lughnasadh/Lammas Sabbat. This special day falls halfway between the Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox and is known by many names, such as Lughnasadh and Lammas. Some may also refer to it as Loaf Mass Day. Regardless of how you choose to celebrate, this season is a time for gratitude and appreciation for the abundance that it brings.This guide is designed to assist readers in exploring the various themes of this enchanting period. It includes helpful information such as:History and LoreWheel of the YearMoon CyclesElementsCrystal and Herb Correspondence PagesCrystal Grab and Go CombosChakra GuideWitchy WordsRunes ExplainedAs the Season of the Harvest draws near, our carefully selected Prompts will help you focus and embrace the powerful energies of Lughnasadh. Explore self-reflection, personal growth, and empowerment during this sacred time.This helpful guide will be a trusted companion year after year for experienced practitioners and beginners alike, offering inspiration and support for anyone interested in the craft.The Lughnasadh Guide is a great choice to take your spiritual practice to the next level. Order your copy now and start a journey of transformation, empowering you to confidently and gracefully harness the power of Lughnasadh.