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Kahane, the Magazine of the Jewish Idea

Kahane, the Magazine of the Jewish Idea

Meir Kahane

7,73 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
7,73 €
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The essays in Kahane, the Magazine of the Jewish Idea, deal with a wide range of topics related to Judaism, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people all over, with an emphasis on the Jews in America.The essays reflect the views Rabbi Kahane expressed in his speeches, books and articles as well as in his televised speeches and interviews. They are as relevant to our lives today as they were when they were written.Between 1976 and 1990, close to 3,000 copies of each issue of Kahane were mailed out at no charge to synagogues, national and local Jewish organizations and Jewish newspapers and magazines. The aim was to give Jewish decision-makers and the entire Jewish public an opportunity to read the authentic Jewish idea. For that reason, each issue carried this notice: 'All material in Kahane may be reprinted without permission of the editors.' Forty-six issues of Kahane appeared from 1976 to 1990. Many of them can be found in large public and university libraries, but the essays will be easily accessible when the entire set is printed.

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