Beyond The Time - In Search of Enlightenment

Beyond The Time - In Search of Enlightenment

Ian Alforrez

15,66 €
IVA incluido
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15,66 €
IVA incluido
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'Beyond The Time - In Search of Enlightenment' is a profound and inspiring journey through the mysteries of self-knowledge and spirituality. The story follows a tireless traveler on his spiritual quest. Dissatisfied with the limitations of mundane existence, the young man leaves ordinary life behind and embarks on an adventure that spans decades. Facing both external and internal challenges, he expands the horizons of his consciousness through communion with sacred traditions, sages and his own elevated resources.The narrative illustrates the ardent journey along the paths of self-knowledge and spiritual realization, culminating in the conquest of sublime states and the integration of glimpses of realities that transcend the phenomenal world. As his experiences mature, he dedicates himself to sharing the keys to his wisdom with other seekers.This book is an invitation to glimpse the possibilities latent in the human spirit and reflect on the transcendental meaning of our existence. It is a reminder that, although the spiritual journey may seem lonely, we are never alone when guided by the spark of the Eternal Spirit.

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