Kim M. Fanning
Beyond the Island: The Journey of a Boy is an adventure story set in the mid 1900’s. The story follows the adventures on land, air and water of a boy who grows to a young man being lost and surviving on an Island while waiting for rescue. The adventures takes twists and turns in relationships and terrains of every childhood fantasy and fear. Included in the book is a built in word glossary for readers to enhance their diction and understanding of words as they follow the storyline. The author develops the story from a perspective of reality and adventure with a most unusual ending that will be pleasing and surprising to the reader that does not sneak to the end but follows the Journey of a Boy.Kim Fanning grew up with the love of playing outdoors with siblings and a very active brother. The love of family and having a child of her own has caused her to see the need for wholesome books that stoke the imagination and the reality that nothing is too big for God. She told this story as a fluke to entertain her niece on a long car ride which turned out to be enjoyed by her family and friends. Much to the delight of her mother and family the story will ignite the mind of all ages to seek and find the work of the Lord in all life’s journeys. Now a devout home school mother she endeavors to offer a wholesome story to engage the thinking and application of faith based reasoning. ' He paused for such long moments that his body became rigid and cramped. Yet, the night gave way to more sounds that did not produce anything recognizable to him.' 'Bradley decided to venture more directly into the forest area, he was impatient to find something that would direct him home. As he walked, he felt a little frustrated that his father had not found him yet.' 'Bradley couldn’t imagine where they were going. How could a place exist through the waterfall?' Editor’s Note: Loved it! This is much better than Harry Potter. We need more authors like this one for our youths. Erika Bennett Editorial Coordinator Xulon Press 3