An Economico-philosophical discourse on Bee Culture

An Economico-philosophical discourse on Bee Culture

An Economico-philosophical discourse on Bee Culture

Frank Vernon

14,60 €
IVA incluido
Peacock Press
Año de edición:
Apicultura (cría de abejas)
14,60 €
IVA incluido
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This little booklet was acquired by Mrs. Daphne Perrett (More) at a bookshop in Southampton c. 1980. It had been rejected by a Bee Book dealer as ‘of no interest’. Did the Latin text make it difficuIt to selI?The book, printed by the Academic Press of the University of Erfurt in 1770, appears to be a thesis presented by J. F. E. Albrecht for his doctorate examination. One of Erfurt University’s earlier students was Martin Luther. The principal dedicatee, the King of Great Britain in 1770 was George III of Hanover, elector of Brunswick etc. (Albrecht describes himself as “of Stade, Hannover”)Albrecht published, in 1775, in German, at Gotha, a treatise on beekeeping under the title “Zootomische und Physikalische Entdeckung von der innern Einrichtung der Bienen, besonders der Art ihrer Begattung” (Anatomical and Physical discovery of the correct management of bees as well as the manner of their generation) by J. F. E. Albrecht. What changes were made in the intervening five years I cannot judge, as I have not yet seen the later work.

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