Administrative Start-Ups in Organizations

Administrative Start-Ups in Organizations

Jorge William Figueroa Corzo / William de Jesús Figueroa Reyes

85,21 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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85,21 €
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The history of management is a recent one. Throughout the history of mankind, management has developed with impressive slowness. However, since the twentieth century, it has emerged and exploded in a development of remarkable boom and innovation. One of the reasons for this is that today, the typical society of developed countries is a pluralistic society of organizations, where most of the social obligations (such as the production of goods or services in general) are entrusted to organizations (such as industries, universities, schools, hospitals, commerce, communications, public services, etc.), which must be managed to be more efficient and effective. Shortly before, in the middle of the 19th century, society was completely different. Organizations were few and small: small offices, independent craftsmen, small schools, independent professionals (such as doctors, lawyers and artists working on their own), the farmer, the corner grocer, and so on, predominated. Despite the fact that in the history of mankind there has always been work, organizations and their administration.

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