21 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Someone With Diabetes

21 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Someone With Diabetes

21 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Someone With Diabetes

Cherie Burbach

6,90 €
IVA incluido
Bonjour Publishing
Año de edición:
Cocina para dietas y estados de salud específicos
6,90 €
IVA incluido
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Why should non-diabetics get informed? Because as much as we know about diabetes treatment today, the support from our family and friends still plays a part in how healthy we are. An understanding approach from someone who cares means everything to us. Your diabetic friend or relative counts on you to be the person in their life that "gets it" when no one else does. This book will tell you what you can do to help. Things like what you should (and shouldn't) say, what you should learn to truly be supportive, and even how you can help in the fight for a cure. 21 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Someone With Diabetes will point you in the right direction so you can truly support your diabetic friend.

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